Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Photo DUMP

First State Cup Tournament

Semester Awards.
Thank goodness for smart, tall besties

Bowling for an after school treat.
Any other boy besides Sean and Sebastian would be none to pleased to see this picture

Annual Christmas trip to Disneyland

She's very pleased the with the end result

Huggybear has needed surgery for several years. I finally took him because Lis couldn't bring herself to do it. Have to say it wasn't easy to watch.

Lis had a great indoor season. She loved every minute of it.  She ended the season at the top of the leader board for scoring goals. At one point during the season Lis and her teammate Kailey's combined goals totaled more than 6 other teams as a whole. 

Not sure what to do with this one. He runs around without shorts.  He didn't even care that Lis' friends were over. PROBLEMS!

I found this on my phone. Practicing for facebook profile pictures already? 

Fun school field trip on the train to San Juan Capistrano Mission.

These two are nothing but trouble!

Lissy's old spring coach has started training her and his daughter. He has assigned homework for her next game. Unfortunately the team didn't show so she has to wait to complete her assignment.

Michelle and I went to San Francisco to visit two of my girlfriends.  Two moms, no kids = relaxing shopping and girl time. This will be an annual trip.

Started volleyball class. Great for her to step out of her comfort zone and try new sports/activities.

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