Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Sweet Baby Boy Jake.....Jakey, Buddy, Bro Man, Dude, Little Brown Man, Cleveland Brown, Brown Sugar, Dr. David,Jacobo

Jake David Serrano is the baby of our family and he has been treated as such since birth.  I knew after having Jake that he would be our last, even though we toyed with the idea of a third for all of 30 seconds when he was 6 months old.  He didn't speak early on because he never had to.  His sister spoke for him.  In his sissy's sweet little voice she would say, "my baby brother is hungry or my baby brother needs a nap."  He would grunt for the longest time instead of speaking and it started to worry us. We even approached the doctor about it. He asked us a number of questions, discussed having him tested and then discussed his sister.  The doctor told us I think he's just fine. He has a sister who speaks for him so he doesn't have to.  Ah ha! The story of his life. 

Jakey and his sister are two very different kids in so many ways.  He is my twin! Doesn't mind going to bed at night, would relax at home all day long if he could, plays alone wonderfully, is a boy of few words, doesn't like loud noises, a lot of commotion or too many people around.  He is learning to temper his tantrums and is learning there are repercussions for his actions.  He's starting to mature and it's fun to be around him. 

He is learning to enjoy school, yes, it still surprises us when the teacher talks about what a good kid he is.  Although the academic part of school is definetly not his favorite part of the day, he would much prefer to play outside all day, he has shown a lot of improvement in his school work.  He is registered to start kindergarten in July. He initally said he didn't want to go, but is now excited about going every single day and loves the idea that other kids he knows will be at the same school.  Can't wait for his first day. Several friends have already asked if they can join us. I know it will be an exciting day for him and an emotional day for me.

He wants to be just like his sister when it comes to soccer. He even told his coach he was better than her. He would challenge her during the season to score more goals than he did. Love that he enjoys it as much as Lis did at that age.  Can't wait for him to be more involved in other sports.  Athletic he IS!

He enjoyed his first sleepover. As Gannon's mom says, "his brotha from another mutha"
He's a bit girl crazy and obsessed with boobs.  Not one of my prouder moments.  He chases his sister's friends around trying to kiss and hug them. He loves when friends spend the night, probably even more than his sister does.  He has made it known he doesn't like girls his own age because they are babies. At least he's kind to the girl in his class that is constantly in his face. He says she gives him a headache, fights about him, won't let others sit by him and on and on, but at least he's not rude to her and the teacher saves the day on a regular basis by telling her she can't sit by him and to give him space. His teenage years will be very interesting!

He's really starting to come into his own. I love that he's happy doing his own thing, growing into a boy with manners and asking daily if he's been good and being nice. He is the best youngest member of our family and the greatest final addition we could have asked for. Love you, Buddy!

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