Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Double Digits!

Happy 10th Birthday to our first born, Alyssa Dyan Serrano!  Dad and I can hardly believe you are already 10.  We reminisce every year how we drove our tiny baby home in the rain so very carefully and then wondered what the heck we were going to do with you once we got there. We placed your carrier down in the middle of the room and sat and stared at you. We were so very nervous to have you home and wondered what the upcoming days would bring.  Fast forward 10 years later and here you are, loved, healthy and amazing. You are a true blessing to our family.  Love you so very much! Hope your first year in double digits is everything you could hope for and more.

Day of her 10th Birthday.
Scored 3 goals at her game. Great birthday present to herself!

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