Saturday, March 27, 2010

Soccer is back!

Alyssa started an indoor soccer league a few weeks ago. This is a whole new experience for her. She is playing against boys, older kids (she made the cut off by a few months), a goalie and to top it off it's a fuzzy green ball. ha ha! She is already learning a lot. What some may think are the basics are things she is experiencing such as running as a team, no one goes ahead and no one falls behind, streching and constant hustling. She's not used to all the running since the ball NEVER goes out of bounds, they are constantly on the move. She's played forward, sweeper and even goalie. Last week she scored a goal which definetly helped her confidence and blocked a few goals. Way to go baby! Go Orange Champions!

Jake is excited to kick the ball around again (He starts Little Kickers in a few weeks)

Look at his form. He "practices" during Alyssa's practices

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