Friday, March 26, 2010

Quick funny story

As we were driving to Granny's birthday dinner last night, Alyssa takes Thomas the Train from Jake. He says to her very stern while pointing his finger at her, Awissa (he never calls her by her name) Awissa, you a bad boy! Awissa, you close your eyes! Awissa, you go to sleep. Stop Awissa! SHHH! (Yikes, all the things he hears us saying.)

It was the funniest thing ever. Sebastian and I were trying so hard not to laugh. The funniest part of all is that our almost 7 year old daughter seemed afraid of her 2 1/2 year old brother reprimanding her. At the end she finally said, "no Jake." But not with much conviction. She better stand up to her brother now or else it's only going to get worse for her as he gets older. She can't say we didn't warn her.

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