Monday, March 1, 2010

Kids growing up way too fast!

Alyssa will turn 7 next month. I can hardly believe my baby will be 7! Where does the time go! I know growing up is inevitable, but why does it have to happen so darn fast. The other day we were out in public with her friend when I said..."Lissy, please come here." She walks over to me the first time I call her. I'm thinking to myself, wow, that's great I didn't even have to call her 5 times before she responded. Not so much....she says to me in a whisper "mom, please don't call me Lissy in public, only at home. That's a baby name." WHAT?!?!?! A baby name? We have called her Lissy her whole entire life and all of sudden it's a baby name and only to be used at home? Oh how I dread the teenage years that are barreling toward me at a rapid speed.

My son has a thing for blondes.  Older blondes at that!  He saw someone he hasn't seen in awhile, but that didn't stop him from going in for a hug and kiss immediately.  Apparently the warm up period doesn't apply to 25 year old blondes!  As we were leaving he took the opportunity for another hug and kiss.  But this time one kiss wasn't enough.  He went in for 4 consecutive kisses and would have continued had I not stopped him. He was giggling as we walked away from pure joy. Oh boy!  Hope this isn't a sign of what's to come.

These kids are going to give me gray hair....oh wait that has already happened.  I'm afraid to ask what's next!

Lastly, a funny comment Alyssa recently said after Jake hit her....."Mom, why does Jake have to be so charming after he hits me?"  

Gotta love my kiddos!

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