Alyssa will turn 7 next month. I can hardly believe my baby will be 7! Where does the time go! I know growing up is inevitable, but why does it have to happen so darn fast. The other day we were out in public with her friend when I said..."Lissy, please come here." She walks over to me the first time I call her. I'm thinking to myself, wow, that's great I didn't even have to call her 5 times before she responded. Not so much....she says to me in a whisper "mom, please don't call me Lissy in public, only at home. That's a baby name." WHAT?!?!?! A baby name? We have called her Lissy her whole entire life and all of sudden it's a baby name and only to be used at home? Oh how I dread the teenage years that are barreling toward me at a rapid speed.
These kids are going to give me gray hair....oh wait that has already happened. I'm afraid to ask what's next!
Lastly, a funny comment Alyssa recently said after Jake hit her....."Mom, why does Jake have to be so charming after he hits me?"
Gotta love my kiddos!
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