Saturday, March 27, 2010

Soccer is back!

Alyssa started an indoor soccer league a few weeks ago. This is a whole new experience for her. She is playing against boys, older kids (she made the cut off by a few months), a goalie and to top it off it's a fuzzy green ball. ha ha! She is already learning a lot. What some may think are the basics are things she is experiencing such as running as a team, no one goes ahead and no one falls behind, streching and constant hustling. She's not used to all the running since the ball NEVER goes out of bounds, they are constantly on the move. She's played forward, sweeper and even goalie. Last week she scored a goal which definetly helped her confidence and blocked a few goals. Way to go baby! Go Orange Champions!

Jake is excited to kick the ball around again (He starts Little Kickers in a few weeks)

Look at his form. He "practices" during Alyssa's practices

Friday, March 26, 2010

Quick funny story

As we were driving to Granny's birthday dinner last night, Alyssa takes Thomas the Train from Jake. He says to her very stern while pointing his finger at her, Awissa (he never calls her by her name) Awissa, you a bad boy! Awissa, you close your eyes! Awissa, you go to sleep. Stop Awissa! SHHH! (Yikes, all the things he hears us saying.)

It was the funniest thing ever. Sebastian and I were trying so hard not to laugh. The funniest part of all is that our almost 7 year old daughter seemed afraid of her 2 1/2 year old brother reprimanding her. At the end she finally said, "no Jake." But not with much conviction. She better stand up to her brother now or else it's only going to get worse for her as he gets older. She can't say we didn't warn her.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lissy's missing tooth!

Alyssa lost her first upper tooth tonight. We thought it would be a few more days before it fell out, but she decided to pull it out herself. The picture is the end result!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Alyssa learns to ride a bike!

Today was a big day for Alyssa. She learned to ride her bike! I held the back of her seat a few times and then let go and she was off. She's been a riding machine all day long. Up and down the street and around the cul-de-sacs she went. We are so proud of her big accomplishment.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jake is 2 1/2 years old today!  With every day that passes, he is more and more like a little boy and less and less like a toddler.  This means it's time for preschool!  We registered him this past week for the fall session.  It brings tears to my eyes just typing that. You can only imagine how I will be on his first day of school. I have a few more months to compose myself before his first day of school. Sigh!

Alyssa attended her co-ed indoor soccer evaluation this week.  Soccer games should start in a few weeks.  I asked her if she was excited and she said, "I'm a bit worried because boys are rough."  My response...."so are you."  She laughed and smiled.  Should be a good source of entertainment for a few months. 

Jake continues to do amazingly well in his football class. I'm so proud of how far he has come. This is the perfect class for him because he gets to knock things down and tackle the mats without getting in trouble.

If he would just look straight ahead when he runs he would get there much faster.

I joined a coed softball league with one of the moms from kinder. I haven't played in YEARS and was extremely nervous.  Alyssa and Sebastian went to the game to cheer me on. I've been very hesitant to play because I didn't want to embarrass myself.  Just hoping my 15 year old self would magically appear on the field.  I didn't do too bad if I do say so myself.  It was so well worth it when Alyssa told me how proud she was of me and told me how good I was.  Guess it's important for your kids to see what you can do once in awhile.  

Baby Leia Autumn Glenn was born on 02/10/2010. What a great birth date. We had the privilege of seeing the Glenn's on Saturday. Leia has already changed so much since we first met her in the hospital.  She continues to be a spitting image of dad.

Russell and Sebastian have been friends for 18 years so it was very special to see these two with their kids. I think our couples weekend getaways will now be traded in for kid friendly road trip destinations. Love it!

Jakey spent the entire time at the Glenn's with their dog Lily. Or as Jakey calls her, "wiwy." The l's will come one day buddy. It was so sweet to watch him play with her and talk to her like she was his friend. Maybe my son needs a dog? Wait...I think my allergies will save me from this one. :)

Jakey laying on the floor with Lily asking her what's wrong. Ahhh!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Kids growing up way too fast!

Alyssa will turn 7 next month. I can hardly believe my baby will be 7! Where does the time go! I know growing up is inevitable, but why does it have to happen so darn fast. The other day we were out in public with her friend when I said..."Lissy, please come here." She walks over to me the first time I call her. I'm thinking to myself, wow, that's great I didn't even have to call her 5 times before she responded. Not so much....she says to me in a whisper "mom, please don't call me Lissy in public, only at home. That's a baby name." WHAT?!?!?! A baby name? We have called her Lissy her whole entire life and all of sudden it's a baby name and only to be used at home? Oh how I dread the teenage years that are barreling toward me at a rapid speed.

My son has a thing for blondes.  Older blondes at that!  He saw someone he hasn't seen in awhile, but that didn't stop him from going in for a hug and kiss immediately.  Apparently the warm up period doesn't apply to 25 year old blondes!  As we were leaving he took the opportunity for another hug and kiss.  But this time one kiss wasn't enough.  He went in for 4 consecutive kisses and would have continued had I not stopped him. He was giggling as we walked away from pure joy. Oh boy!  Hope this isn't a sign of what's to come.

These kids are going to give me gray hair....oh wait that has already happened.  I'm afraid to ask what's next!

Lastly, a funny comment Alyssa recently said after Jake hit her....."Mom, why does Jake have to be so charming after he hits me?"  

Gotta love my kiddos!