Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pack, unpack...repeat

We were home for about a week and a half from our trip to Flagstaff before we packed up and headed off to Vegas for the MLK Jr. weekend. This took us months to coordinate because everyone is so darn busy, but it was well worth the wait. A great time had by all!

Girl time the first night in town

Why oh why is my 10 year old nearly my exact height?!!?

Mom's shopping at the Cesar's shops only to find our kids modeling in the window. An older lady thought it was so cute she was taking pictures.

Daddy's girl ALL. DAY. EVERYDAY!
Waiting for the valet

Camp Vegas. 6 ipads and 2 tablets between 3 families. Just the right amount

Adventure Dome at Circus Circus

Roller Coaster riding


Mom's and their baby boys

Celebrating Bubba's birthday in Vegas. His choice...Denny's downtown. Yum!
Stripes anyone?

Home less than a week and we packed up again and headed to beautiful San Bernardino for the first weekend of State Cup.  I'm happy to report the girls placed first in their flight. 3 wins, all shutouts, and now we are off again next weekend to Lancaster. Such beautiful locations for tournaments. Ugh!

 At this point suitcases aren't being put away and many things aren't even being unpacked. It's well worth it for the happiness Alyssa has found in soccer again.

Getting ready to play their first game
Great tournament, Liverpool!

Preparing for the first game
Alyssa and Coach Bubba learned over a family ice cream outing that they share the same pregame nausea.  Alyssa is trying to handle it better but nice to hear your old coach tell you it's a "gift".  He  knows how much this tournament means to Lis so he sent her a pep talk text before her first game and called her before her next game. What an awesome person she has to turn to. Thanks, Bubba! Can't thank you enough. Hope you're not busy next weekend.

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