Monday, January 20, 2014

First week back to school for the kiddos.  Neither was ready to go back. Jakey started in with 9 days left of break saying he wasn't feeling well and wasn't sure he could go back to school. Started a little too soon to make that believable. Sorry, bud!  

Alyssa and I spent the last weekday of break in LA. Mom daughter day! One of my coworkers arranged for a special tour of the Anne Frank exhibit at the Museum of Tolerance for Alyssa and I. It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  The exhibit is terrific! I would highly recommend a visit to the museum to see the exhibit. Her actual diary is there along with wonderful video footage and artifacts.  We enjoyed lunch, a little shopping and a quick stop at Georgetown Cupcakes LA.  Alyssa also got to experience Denny's. Can you believe she has never eaten at Denny's? Bad mom and dad. Breakfast for dinner and a nice drive home to make it back in time for plenty of sleep before her day of 3v3 the next day. Couldn't have asked for a better last day of break. Jakey is too young so he got to the spend the day with dad bowling.  Win win!

First trip to Denny's
Dad texted her and said order moon over my hammy. Alyssa said WHAT IS THAT??!?!?!
Just a little Denny's speak.

Alyssa received an academic award at school.  I did NOT do a good job of getting a photo. Thank goodness the school has a photographer on hand.

We surprised her by showing up for awards. She thought she was attending Chapel, that's why she has her notebook in hand. It's award day!!

So proud of how well she continues to do in school, but more proud of what a good kid she is. Alyssa was at her friends house during break and I received a text that said something along the lines of...I'm sure you've heard this before, but Lis has a great soul.  Keep up the good work. She's a wonderful young lady!  That is what it is all about! Brought tears to this proud mama.  Yes she acts like a tween and we all know she knows more than anyone on this planet, says her, but at the end of the day she is one amazing kiddo. Proud momma!

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