Friday, November 30, 2012

Back By Popular Demand...well by a few requests anyway

Part 1 of my return

I have fallen off of the grid.  Not like this is the first time it's happened, but for some reason, maybe it's my old age, when this happens I find it harder and harder to get back to it.  I always have good intentions to post regularly. I actually have blog followers that live out of state and this is their connection to my kiddos. Even knowing that, I still find myself saying I'll do it tomorrow, which turns into next week and as you can see from my last post way back in September, it has turned into December.  I hope this won't be my last post of 2012. Time will tell.

Since it's been so long this is going to be more of a photo dump rather than a true blog.  Pictures say a thousand words, right? Let's hope so in this case.

Let's start close to where I left off with our fabulous, amazing, wonderful, relaxing, well you get the idea, vacation to Hawaii!


Lis and Mady 

Seb out in the water and didn't even get eaten by a shark! Can you believe it? 

This crab kept me from relaxing on the sand. I was afraid it was going to crawl on me like the tarantula Brady Bunch style

Goats, goats everywhere! This is the view from our timeshare door on the golf course 

Ever heard of Hawaii pong? I'm going to guess not. The most awesome game ever.  No rules. Just hit the ball and play on no matter where it lands.  Play off the wall, off the body, but most likely not off the table.  So much fun. I couldn't stop laughing the entire time and it's quite a work out. 

The beginning of our day trip to see the volcano. And when I say day trip, I mean let's spend 12 hours in and out of the car while we tour the entire island. And when I say car, yes I mean one car for both families. Fights, car sick, complaining you ask? Not a one. The kids were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! How do you end a 12 hour day trip? By making dinner together and enjoying each other's company of course. Yes, we are crazy!

Too sunny, can you tell? 

Hoping for a great family picture, but it's just too bright 

Hike to see Akaka Falls.  Jakey got the biggest kick out of the name 


Outside of the lava tube 

Inside the lava tube 

Can you see the volcano steaming behind us?

black sand beach. I've never seen Jake as happy as he was in Hawaii. Not fits, just amazing behavior.  He still asks consistently if we can go back to Hawaii 

No all these picture were NOT taken on the same day. Jake just refused to wear another water shirt the entire trip. 

Dance it out sister! 

Huge turtles behind the kids

 Family picture at the hotel where Dog got married. Yes, Dog the Bounty Hunter! haha!

Older's golfed with dad, while the little's stayed with moms to swim
Only kiddos in the lagoon. Who knew plastic cups could be so entertaining

Boat ride around one of the hotels

Smoothies by the pool make the day awesome! 

Drink of the day for the adults every afternoon? Yes, please!  But Lava Flows should be the drink of the day everyday!

      A different color bracelet issued for each day at the pool. Collect all the bracelets and you get a golden bracelet. That's exactly what these kids did!

Jakey got lots of love from family friends at a lot of his games.  Other pictures of other friends on our other computer that is trying not to die. 

Lunch date with Jakey's little girlfriend, Ytalia. too cute! 

Jake and I have started having lunch dates after school on Fridays. Usually he selects Islands. Love him!  Now he keeps asking me if a boy goes to lunch with another boy is that a lunch date? If two girls go together, is that a lunch date? What is a lunch date?

Quick stop on the side of the road to show support to their soccer team.  Can't read it? Go Pumas spelled out in rock for all the passerbyers to see. 

 Halloween 2012, Mario and 80's girl

Lis and Maya, the daughter of my bestie of 24 years. They play for the same club.

Lis and school bestie, Makenna (Princess Leia). No dressing up for Lis, we left the festival early to go to a birthday party. 

 Fall Festival at school. Lis climbing with her kinder friend, Vincent

Sean gave Lis his team shirt to wear to his games.  Yes, he has her team shirt as well.

Part II coming soon. Stay tuned!

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