Monday, September 10, 2012


Jake at practice on his birthday heading to a water break.
He is this happy ALL practice.
Jake is 5!!!!  I spent most of his birthday day on Friday on the verge of tears. How is it even possible that my sweet baby boy is 5! No longer a baby or even a toddler for that matter. He is a big boy. We celebrated his birthday at school and then again at soccer practice.  After practice we asked him what he would like to do for his birthday dinner.  His response?  Island's! Right on buddy. Eat at Island's? No, pick it up and eat at home in his pajamas.  That is the ultimate night for Jakey. The weekend was crazy busy. More in a separate post. This is one is all about Jake.

He had his very first soccer game on Saturday. He woke up ready to play.  He did great. He listened to his coach, cheered for his team when he sat out and even scored a goal.  Couldn't ask for a better first game.

Jake fans

Kinders supporting Jake

Jakey's sequence of pictures scoring his first GOAL ever!

Jake's turn to sit out he actually stood on the sideline with his teammate, Ian, and cheered for his team

We had the Game Truck come to the house for Jakey's party.  Because of the limited number of kids allowed in the truck we kept the party small, so we thought. Jake played in the truck for awhile, but then declared it was hot and went swimming. He later informed me there were too many kids. He's so funny. We purposely kept the party small because he shuts down if there are too many people. Guess still not small enough for Jake. I asked him at the end of the night, "how many kids is not too many?"  His response, "1".  Um okay. Next time, one kid it is. 

Jakey, my sweet baby boy, you are so very loved! Happy 5th birthday!!!!

Your sister asked for a baby Jake for so very long. Long before I was pregnant. She was in disbelief when she first  saw you.


1 comment:

  1. These last three pictures are so great; I can't decide which I like better: the family or Alyssa with Jake.
