Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Free Weekend

We had an ENTIRE weekend free of soccer!  It has been months since we've had a Saturday and Sunday off. We have been looking forward to this weekend for awhile.  The word "OFF!" is written nice and large on my family planning calendar for this weekend. I've been silently counting down the days until our free weekend.  Our family has been consumed with soccer and it was great to know we were about to embark on a weekend of doing whatever we felt like. I even declined a birthday party invite, which I rarely do because I feel bad doing so.  I was just telling Sebastian that I would honestly pay good money to have a free weekend.  It's absolutely necessary for my sanity, the sanity of my marriage and our family.

We took the kids on a ferry ride.  It was a beautiful day in Coronado to be outside.  I think getting Sebastian on the ferry is a step in the right direction towards getting him on the cruise we've been talking about the past few years.  Or at least getting him a little more comfortable with water for our upcoming Hawaiian vacation.

And we all know that a free Saturday night means, bbq, swimming and jacuzzi with our dear friends.  And a late Saturday night means everyone sleeps in on Sunday. AHHHH!!!!Awesomeness all around!

Pictures compliments of each kid

  Alyssa started 4th grade.  It feels like I just dropped her off at preschool.  I wish time would slow down.

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