My sweet baby boy turned 4 on Wednesday! He has been talking up being 4 for weeks. He will say when I be 4 I am going to sleep on my bunker bed (top bunk of his bed), when I be 4 I'm going to kiss Valentina (schoolmate), when I be 4 etc... Well 4 finally came and what does he say? Am I still 3. I say no, you are 4. Oh man, I don't want to be 4, I like being 3. The morning after his birthday, first thing he asks, am I still 4? Yes, Jake you are still 4. Jake response, ah man! Sebastian and I took donuts to his class to celebrate. It was fun to see him interact with his classmates. He has been talking about a little boy Matthew and how he's going to kick him in the shin. Well I saw Matthew in action and I can see why. Being a preschool teacher is NOT in my future. I don't know how they do it. After school Sebastian and I surprised Jakey by taking him to the train museum. Fun to spend the afternoon doing something he likes to do. We had Jakey's birthday at Pump It Up on Saturday evening. After a very busy day, more to come on that later, we played it up at his party. Lots of fun and I love the 2 hour box party. Quick and easy and in and out, done! Plus, he had fun and got to play with all his friends. You'll notice in the pictures that most of the kids are older than him. That's because he thinks Alyssa's friends and their siblings are his friends too. Love how they all go along with it too.
Jake returning to class after chapel
praying before snack
Jakey and Lincoln
train museum
He would watch trains all day long if you let him
Jakey and his friend Lincoln from preschool
Alyssa and Ytalia
Jake walked around all night with his crown and stick that he continually hit people with. At the end of the night when I dropped off Ytalia he gave it to her. Ah!
Playing basketball with Papa Walt
Jakey and Ytalia
Wouldn't be Jakey's birthday without tears
This weekend was the beginning of soccer season, both teams. Have I mentioned that not only is Alyssa playing AYSO with Coach Aron and Sebastian coaching the Green Geckos, but she is also playing on the boys Nomads club soccer team. That means practice Monday - Thursday and games all weekend. This weekend for example consisted of 2 soccer games on Saturday, picture day early Sunday morning, 7:15 am to be exact and then another soccer game Sunday afternoon. Thank goodness club soccer only has Sunday games through this month. Poor Lis was sleeping in the car on the way to Sunday's game as well as on the way home. Busy busy weekend. At least we were able to end the weekend with a nice dinner and swimming with the Getty's in their new fancy schmancy pool.
Alyssa did great in all games. She scored a beautiful goal during her Green Geckos game. Get that on camera you ask? Absolutely not! I was too busy screaming Go Baby, yes go baby continues, as she scored. I'll try harder to take pictures of these great goals. Focus mom, focus! This is her first competitive year of AYSO with goalies and all. Games this year won't be as high scoring. The Geckos lost 2-3. It is quite evident that this season will NOT be like last year. All families from the Fire Foxes have concluded that last year was our "magic season". We all got together last weekend for a barbecue and have decided we must all be together again next season. Every girl lost their game opener on their new respective teams. Together the girls were undefeated, apart everyone lost. That says something. Miss that team and their families immensely.
I think this is the pass that started her fab goal
Goalie got a little brave and stepped away from the goal and Lis almost scored a goal off her corner kick
Alyssa started third grade in August, yes that's how long it's been since I posted. She is doing awesome, but is definitely feeling the added responsibilities of the higher grade. No Wednesday's off from homework and no break for the weekends either. She's a smart girl and I know she'll be just fine!
Promise this isn't her first day of second grade. It just looks the exact same. The only way to tell the difference is by her shoes. Too funny!
Papa Walt took Jakey fishing and he loved it. This was his first time fishing and now asks to go back and do it again. Fun!
Jakey had his friends Chloe, Andrew, Ytalia and their families over for swimming and a bbq. I am really enjoying watching Jakey have his own time. Not just being the little brother running around at all his sister's functions.
Alyssa got to leave school early, big special treat in-itself, to go to the Taylor Swift concert in LA. Just Alyssa and dad enjoyed the concert. She gets her love for music and concerts from her dad so it was so apropos that the two of them share this experience. Mom and Alyssa will be attending the Taylor Swift concert when she comes to San Diego in October.
Someone is excited to go to the concert with ticket in hand
T Swift's signature heart with her hands
She looks so happy with her daddy
Alyssa singing her little heart out at the concert
I'm sure there is lots that I'm missing and I apologize for the rambling. Hope you enjoyed catching up with the Serrano's. More soon!
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