Monday, September 26, 2011

Green Geckos WIN!

This season definetily started out shakey. Took a loss on the season opener, tied the second game 4-4 and had an amazing win on Saturday 8-0! The Geckos played the Bolts, they were 2-0 coming into the game and we were 1-1. Sebastian was really nervous the morning of the game. He was so proud of the great practices they had all week and was really hoping it showed on the field. The girls came ready to play and WIN! Lis played a great game and scored 3 goals! Who hoo! We all know how happy scoring and winning makes Alyssa. So proud of the girls and even more so of our coaches. They have really worked with the girls to improve their game. Half of our team has NEVER played and a few others have only played 1 season, mind you we only have 9 players. I'm not sure what the season holds, but I do know it was a super fun game to watch and I walked away super proud!

I missed last week's games, the Aztec football game and skyshow all due to my sinus surgery, but Sebastian took care of the kids and the Getty's took care of him. Haha!

Being left footed has it's advantages for Lissy!

Jakey really wants to play. Next year, buddy!

This is exactly why I LOVE watching her play! Soccer honestly makes her happy! (when she scores and wins of course)

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