Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The wait is over.....

I know it's been forever and I appreciate those of you who follow the blog and have asked what the heck happened. During the holidays I fell behind and kept saying I'll do it next week. Well apparently next week turned into February.
During the blog hiatus we've been to several birthday parties where we've had kinder reunions and several Fire Fixes reunions. It's so nice to see that the girls missed each other and were happy to see each other. We even spent New Year's with most of the Fire Foxes families. Very special soccer season with very special families, indeed.

First Fire Foxes reunion after the soccer season ended

Another Fire Foxes pic

Granny and Papa Walt invited us to their friends Christmas party where Santa makes an appearance. Santa called the kids and gave them each a present. The kids had a great time.

Jakey was in his very first school Christmas performance. Very emotional for mom to watch her baby boy perform. He was amazing! He sang and everything. He was fascinated by the large screens and couldn't stop looking at them once he realized they were showing pictures of the kids. Too cute!

Jakey's performing Watching himself on the big screen

Walking on stage next to Ytalia (Jakey says she's the prettiest girl in school)

There he is...on the big screen!

Sebastian and I celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary on 2/2/02! Can't believe it's been 9 years! I can honestly say I love my husband even more than the day we married! We headed to Napa for a weekend getaway. We spent an entire day wine tasting. So beautiful and fun! Can't wait to head back to Sonoma for another round of tasting, hopefully this time with our wine connoisseur friends!

Mustard in full bloom

Second winery we visited

Alyssa is playing softball. Season starts this weekend. So far so good. She's having fun and making new friends. That's all we can ask for.

Jakey continues to be such a hoot. His world is so black and white. He's so literal! The other day I asked him to stop kicking the back of my seat in the car and he said, "I'm not kicking, my shoes are dancing." Love him!

He was "watching" tv in his playroom chair

Jakey went to his very first theatre movie! He was awesome. Poor little guy has to say the first movie he saw in a theatre was..... Tangled. Ha ha! He seemed to enjoy himself. We were going to make it an all girl trip until he heard us discussing our plans. He chimed in and said he wanted to go to the show with us so we decided to let him join in. Only little boy with 5 girls! :)

We enjoyed tailgating at Aztec football games and the kids went to an Aztec basketball game. Occasionally you'll hear Jakey walking around saying, "Aztecas, Aztecas, rah rah rah."

Aztecs basketball

Aztecs football

Whew....not too bad. I'm sure I left a lot out, but a quick summary to catch everyone up. Back soon with more!

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