Monday, August 2, 2010

I got my hairs cut....

In preparation for Jakey's first day of school we went to visit his school and meet his teacher on Friday morning. We have been talking about school for quite some time now in hopes that it would help prepare him. He walked right into the classroom, sat down and started playing with toys. Way to go Jakey! He actually cried when it was time to leave. Oh wow, not what I expected! Even the teachers were surprised at his reaction. I can only hope it will be that wonderful on his actual first day of school.

Jakey meeting his teacher, Ms. Martha

Right after going to school we took Jake to get his haircut. All the stars must have been aligned because not only did he do fine at open house, but he was AMAZING during his haircut. Not one single tear. He even let the lady cutting his hair pick him up and put him in his seat. I usually take him alone and I always feel like I have been through a battle when we are finished. The tears and screaming are more than I can take sometimes. That is why I tend to let his hair grow a little long. Then I always tell Sebastian about how hard it was. So this time Sebastian came along....and of course Jake was perfect! I'm sure he won't ever believe me again about my Jake hair cutting war stories. Okay, whatever kid! I thought he was on Team Mom! Or the Brown Sugar Team as Alyssa says. Regardless, he got a great haircut!

Jake is definitely getting a little more independent. That is a good thing, right? Jake wanted to ride the train and when I asked him if he wanted me to go or he just wanted to ride with his sister. He said, "just with sissy." Well alrighty kid. Have fun! And that they did.

When Jake was a newborn Alyssa and Sebastian would sing a song that went a little something like this....Nika peka, solar molar, na na na nana, na na na nana. Out of the blue this past week Jake started singing the song. Wow! He's always listened to the two of them sing the song and pretends to be mad when they do, so I NEVER thought he'd start singing it. Oh the joy it brought everyone to hear this song come from HIM. Also this week Jake has decided that he is going to call Alyssa by her name. When he started talking he called her sssss, then progressed to Cee, then to Sissy, now it's Awissa and sometimes it's even Alyssa. My baby is growing up! It makes me so sad, I could cry! I know it will never stop so I better get used to it.

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