Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Day of Second Grade

Alyssa started second grade this week. I honestly feel like I just dropped her off for her first day of preschool. Where does the time go?!?!? The double whammy on Monday was not only was it Alyssa's first day of second grade, but then I also dropped Jake off at school. Really? Seriously? Both kids in school at the same time? That was a first. So strange!

Alyssa with her school bestie, Makenna, in the parking lot

Pastor Rick (lower campus principal), Alyssa and Makenna

Sitting at her new desk

Jake continues to do wonderful at school! No really.... his teachers said he's a great listener and a great clean up helper. Today one of his teachers said, "Jake loves school." Ah!!! Are you sure we are talking about the same kid? So proud of him. He walks into his class with such confidence and he's so proud of himself for being a big kid in school.

Jake started swim classes again this week. Hopefully he'll be swimming in the pool without his floaty soon. Wish I had pictures of swim class, but his Nana takes him in the mornings during the week. Hopefully I'll get to go before this session is over and I can post pictures.

Sebastian and I went with the Getty's to the Dave Matthews Band concert on Friday. We had a great time. We are all pretty certain we could have skipped the concert and just sat in the parking lot hanging out. Can't beat a night out with great friends and NO KIDS! :)

Before the concert

Girls in the parking space next to us
(Aron and Secorra make friends everywhere we go, just like Sebastian and I...ha ha), Aron saved the day and jump started their car with cables he borrowed from a random in the parking lot.

I took Alyssa to the beach on Saturday with Auntie Michelle, Maya and Ava. Jakey stayed home because we went at nap time. Taking him would have been no fun for anyone involved. Can't beat a quick afternoon at the beach!

Ava, Maya and Alyssa

Random boys Alyssa and Maya started hanging out with (she is going to give her dad a heart attack)

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