Monday, August 30, 2010

Fire Foxes Scrimmage

I will start by mentioning that I did a horrible job this week of taking pictures. Not one single good action shot at the scrimmage. I better step it up! :)

Alyssa had her first soccer scrimmage. The Fire Foxes played against her old teammates from the past several years. It was nice to see everyone, but it was even better that the girls played GREAT! They beat the Soccer Stars 4-0! The girls have really applied what they have learned thus far from Coach Aron and Sebastian. I think it's going to be a fun season!

Irelin, Alyssa and Isa modeling their new Fire Foxes uniforms

Sebastian and I drove up to Carpenteria for an old coworkers wedding. It was held in a beautiful location and it was great to see old friends. It's so wonderful that Sebastian and I are able to get away for a few days. We have a great time and the kids love their time being spoiled by their Nana and Papa.

Jamie, me, Zanni, Josie, Stone and Jaclyn (all previous or current coworkers)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Day of Second Grade

Alyssa started second grade this week. I honestly feel like I just dropped her off for her first day of preschool. Where does the time go?!?!? The double whammy on Monday was not only was it Alyssa's first day of second grade, but then I also dropped Jake off at school. Really? Seriously? Both kids in school at the same time? That was a first. So strange!

Alyssa with her school bestie, Makenna, in the parking lot

Pastor Rick (lower campus principal), Alyssa and Makenna

Sitting at her new desk

Jake continues to do wonderful at school! No really.... his teachers said he's a great listener and a great clean up helper. Today one of his teachers said, "Jake loves school." Ah!!! Are you sure we are talking about the same kid? So proud of him. He walks into his class with such confidence and he's so proud of himself for being a big kid in school.

Jake started swim classes again this week. Hopefully he'll be swimming in the pool without his floaty soon. Wish I had pictures of swim class, but his Nana takes him in the mornings during the week. Hopefully I'll get to go before this session is over and I can post pictures.

Sebastian and I went with the Getty's to the Dave Matthews Band concert on Friday. We had a great time. We are all pretty certain we could have skipped the concert and just sat in the parking lot hanging out. Can't beat a night out with great friends and NO KIDS! :)

Before the concert

Girls in the parking space next to us
(Aron and Secorra make friends everywhere we go, just like Sebastian and I...ha ha), Aron saved the day and jump started their car with cables he borrowed from a random in the parking lot.

I took Alyssa to the beach on Saturday with Auntie Michelle, Maya and Ava. Jakey stayed home because we went at nap time. Taking him would have been no fun for anyone involved. Can't beat a quick afternoon at the beach!

Ava, Maya and Alyssa

Random boys Alyssa and Maya started hanging out with (she is going to give her dad a heart attack)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sibling Love!

Every morning when Jakey wakes he usually asks to go see his sissy. If she is still asleep I tell him wait until she wakes and generally he'll hang out until she gets up. Once he hears her in her room he runs down the hall to see her. It's the sweetest thing. This morning he awoke before she did so I left him laying in my bed to play with his trains while I started getting ready for work. When I went back to check on him, he was gone. I knew exactly where he was. I headed to Alyssa's room quietly so I could see what was going on. It was the sweetest site EVER! She was still asleep in her her little twin bed and little Jakey was lying quietly next to her under the covers playing with his trains. I wish I had a camera to take a picture of the cutest site ever! These two love each other so much!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jakey's First Day of School!

Jakey started preschool! Boohoo said Mom! He handled it like a champ. Walked right into his classroom and sat down to play with blocks. Sat and stared at the 3 kids absolutely losing it by the door and just continued about his business. As it was approaching time for us to leave, I leaned down and gave him a kiss and said bye. With his little puppy dog eyes he said, "mommy, please don't go." I nearly broke down into tears, picked him up and took him home. Sebastian motioned for Alyssa and I to walk out and so we did. He stayed a few minutes longer as we watched from the window. Sebastian left and Jake remained with the toys. No tears, crying or a fit. WHAT?!?!!? Ive been preparing myself since we signed him up for tears. Nope! Way to go buddy! We watched him paint from the window and finally left. I felt my eyes were full of tears, but managed to pull myself together thanks to Alyssa telling me not to cry. Thanks, baby! The entire time Jake was at school I was wondering what he was doing, did he start crying, was he pushing kids, would the school call me to pick him up if he lost it? We went to pick him up a little early so we could watch him through the window. He was sitting in circle time listening very quietly, just paying attention. He looked like he was having a good time and most importantly, no tears! When the teacher opened the door and let us in, Jake's eyes met mine and he lost it! Poor little guy. Must have felt like the longest morning in history. He walked over to me in tears. We were so happy to see each other. ha ha!

A very successful day at school followed by another great day on Wednesday. He seems to like the kids, especially the little blond girl he insists on referring to as "baby"..... I didn't share the cars with "baby", I want to take a nap at school with "baby"..... oh, okay then! Geez this kid...

Standing outside of school on his first day

Playing with the pegs when he first walked into class

This picture was taken through the window after we left class. Painting away!

This is the sad little face we saw when we picked him up

The kids wear these little name tags on their backs the first few weeks of school

Alyssa started soccer practice on Tuesday. Can't believe it's soccer season again. She's ready to play. She's excited to be playing with Coach Aron (this will be Alyssa and Isa's (Aron's daughter) 4th soccer season together), Sebastian is helping Coach Aron and I will be Team Mom this year. A family affair. ha ha! Looking forward to the games which start in September.

Coach Aron and Sebastian

We finally took the toybox out, just not to the desert. We headed to the strand on Saturday for a full day at the beach. The kids had a blast getting there so early and spending the entire day there. I have to say I think the adults had a great time too. I would totally do it again and the kids are really hoping we do.

Mady, Isa, Jakey and Alyssa

We could have just taken Sebastian's truck, Jake was quite content sitting in the back

The girls had a blast looking for shells. They walked up and down the beach looking for shells and sand dollars. They each came home with half a bucket full of shells.

I love Alyssa's new haircut. She had 5 inches cut off just in time for the new school year.

Jakey is ALL boy. He's rough, aggressive, stubborn, and a daredevil. I found him climbing on the outside of the staircase the other day and this morning this is what we saw......

Yes, he's standing on the top of the couch to look out the window. I know this is only the beginning. Sebastian keeps telling me one day he's going to want to jump off the roof into the pool. At this rate, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I got my hairs cut....

In preparation for Jakey's first day of school we went to visit his school and meet his teacher on Friday morning. We have been talking about school for quite some time now in hopes that it would help prepare him. He walked right into the classroom, sat down and started playing with toys. Way to go Jakey! He actually cried when it was time to leave. Oh wow, not what I expected! Even the teachers were surprised at his reaction. I can only hope it will be that wonderful on his actual first day of school.

Jakey meeting his teacher, Ms. Martha

Right after going to school we took Jake to get his haircut. All the stars must have been aligned because not only did he do fine at open house, but he was AMAZING during his haircut. Not one single tear. He even let the lady cutting his hair pick him up and put him in his seat. I usually take him alone and I always feel like I have been through a battle when we are finished. The tears and screaming are more than I can take sometimes. That is why I tend to let his hair grow a little long. Then I always tell Sebastian about how hard it was. So this time Sebastian came along....and of course Jake was perfect! I'm sure he won't ever believe me again about my Jake hair cutting war stories. Okay, whatever kid! I thought he was on Team Mom! Or the Brown Sugar Team as Alyssa says. Regardless, he got a great haircut!

Jake is definitely getting a little more independent. That is a good thing, right? Jake wanted to ride the train and when I asked him if he wanted me to go or he just wanted to ride with his sister. He said, "just with sissy." Well alrighty kid. Have fun! And that they did.

When Jake was a newborn Alyssa and Sebastian would sing a song that went a little something like this....Nika peka, solar molar, na na na nana, na na na nana. Out of the blue this past week Jake started singing the song. Wow! He's always listened to the two of them sing the song and pretends to be mad when they do, so I NEVER thought he'd start singing it. Oh the joy it brought everyone to hear this song come from HIM. Also this week Jake has decided that he is going to call Alyssa by her name. When he started talking he called her sssss, then progressed to Cee, then to Sissy, now it's Awissa and sometimes it's even Alyssa. My baby is growing up! It makes me so sad, I could cry! I know it will never stop so I better get used to it.