Saturday, July 17, 2010

Funny things Jake says

Our entire family has been hit with some sort of flu bug this past week. It knocked us down one by one. Gross! So needless to say, we didn't do much of anything except rest. Alyssa even missed two days of zoo camp. We are hoping for a healthy week to come.

For the longest time we were concerned about Jake's lack of vocabulary. He was quite content just grunting for his form of communication. He has really started talking and expressing himself these past several months. It's fun to hear him communicate with us. He doesn't have the communication skills Alyssa did at this age and Alyssa never spoke toddler, so it's fun to experience this stage with Jake. He also always refers to himself in the third person, such as "that's Jakey's" or "Sissy pushed Jakey". Here a are a few other funny things Jake says.....

"I want emolade" - any drink he requests, except water, he says I want lemonade

"I'm not charming, I'm Jakey"

"Smack my booty" (and when you tap him he says it's wrong)

"TT can ficxs it, she needs scissors" (anytime anything needs to be fixed this is what he says. It's even funnier because he can't say fix)

"You can't find us" (he hides and always says "us" even when it's just him)

"Say go Jakey" - (whenever he runs he wants you to cheer him on)

"Police Mac" - (Police tow truck in his book)

"You can't get you" - (requesting to be chased)

"Hold you" - (when he wants you to pick him up)

"What you say"- (he always pretends he didn't hear you and wants you to repeat yourself)

"Iss too bigg" - (anytime something is the wrong size or unacceptable to him such as sliced cheese not served in 4 strips)

"Tortillan" - (tortilla)

"hocker" - (helicopter)

Names he can't or won't say correctly....
Aichelle - Auntie Michelle
May A - Maya
Eva - Ava
Eron - Aron
Secorsa - Secorra

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