Many people asked me why on earth would we go to Disneyworld in July. My thought.... really how bad can it be? My answer now... It can be that bad and hot! Humidity was insane along with the heat. Jake also thought it was that bad. Poor baby spent our third day there totally ill. That was the first time he's ever thrown up. He's a champ and the best sick kid ever! Ever time he threw up he said he was okay and had the best attitude. Lucky for us it seemed to pass after a full day of rest in the hotel.
Unfortunately my pictures start on day 3 because I lost the camera. Yes, I lost the camera. Ugh! So pretend I posted pictures of the kids doing amazing on the plane, great family picture at the Magic Kingdom and good shots at Epcot. I'll post more pictures once I receive some from the Woodworths. Still makes me want to cry just thinking about the lost pictures. :(
Sebastian, Jake and I made a brief appearance at Animal Kingdom. Jake still wasn't himself and we didn't want to chance his health. We did stay just long enough to get caught in a torrential downpour. Yes it rained just about every day, which was quite welcome because it seemed to cool things down a bit, but this particular rain was insane. I walked away from the group right before it rained and I had the ponchos. Oops!
We are grateful to the Woodworth's who let Alyssa tag along with them after we left the Animal Kingdom as well as watch the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom. So glad she didn't have to miss out just because her brother was sick.
Jake was finally feeling better so we spent the next day at the pool. This seemed to help everyone! Can't beat a day by the pool in the cabana!
We headed back to Epcot for the evening to experience the countries. The girls colored their masks and headed to each country to collect a fun little cardboard picture that represented each country. They guys enjoyed the food while the girls explored the stores. Fun! I think Epcot was everyone's favorite park.
Epcot was also the park we visited on our first day. All the rides were fun and mellow except one. The group, less Jakey and I (he wasn't big enough) rode Mission:Space Advanced Training Lab. This ride had two choices...the green experience which was easy and fun for everyone and the orange experience which was for those who wanted a thrill ride. The first time everyone went on the green side. Seemed to be a good choice because everyone really enjoyed themselves. Later in the afternoon Sebastian, Woody and Alyssa went back for more on the orange side. I wish I had a picture of the three of them walking toward us after they got off the ride. Sebastian looked like he was going to puke any second and my poor baby Alyssa was holding her stomach and then started crying. Woody said he's never been on a ride like that. Apparently the G force was insane. Woody said it even made his eyes water. This ride had Sebastian out for the remainder of the evening. My trooper Alyssa rested a bit and then was off to ride Test Track. Go Alyssa! I told her there was no way she could go on that ride and not throw up and not be able to handle an airplane ride. This boosted her confidence.
Brooke and Alyssa with their masks in Japan
Last day in Orlando we headed to Hollywood Studios. This park was a tad bit like Universal Studios, but much smaller. I wasn't all that impressed with the park. Maybe because it was the hottest day of our trip and it was beyond crowded! We got there shortly after it opened and the few rides we wanted to ride already had an hour plus wait. Not going to happen! So we left and headed to SHOP! Woo hoo!
I wouldn't normally ever mention a rental car, but this time I have to. We had matching PT Cruisers with the Woodworth's. Ours was dark gray and theirs was silver. I'm pretty certain this car would explode if we reached 65 mph. Not only that, but if I ever touched the passenger door while we were driving it would set off the seat belt alarm. Not to mention if you didn't absolutely slam the door when you got out of the car it wouldn't properly close. Or what about the fact that you could hit unlock 7,000 times and it didn't guarantee that the trunk would unlock. What an experience!
Fun times... we would love to go back, but next time we're going in March or April. ha ha!
Fun times... we would love to go back, but next time we're going in March or April. ha ha!
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