Sunday, December 6, 2009

Missing tooth

Life without soccer has been nice I hate to say. We are down to swim class for both kids on Wednesday nights and no weekend obligations (although we always manage to have something going on). Sebastian is hoping desert season takes over soon. We'll have to see.

Alyssa lost another tooth this week. She has yet to put the tooth under her pillow for the tooth fairy because she isn't ready to part with it just yet. I hope there isn't a time restraint on getting paid for missing teeth. If so, we are in trouble.

Lissy's missing tooth

We prepped Jakey for hours about not pushing or hitting before attending Mady's birthday party this weekend. He assured us he wouldn't push Mady and would give big hugs. I'm afraid that wasn't the case. Although in Jake's defense he only did it once or twice and actually apologized for it. Hopefully that means we are making progress.
Jakey and birthday girl, Mady

Jakey in the jumpy

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