Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

It has been a busy week at the Serranos. Auntie Kelley and Uncle Mike arrived for the holidays. Alyssa has only spent a few nights at home since their arrival. She has tried to spend the night at her Nana's every night they have been here. Needless to say, she is exhausted from all the excitement and running on pure adrenaline. It's fun to see her so happy to have them here.

Christmas Eve was spent with Granny and Papa Walt. Alyssa baked cookies with Granny while Jake cheered on the men as they played pool. He is such a boy.

Making cookies with Mrs. Eller and Granny

Christmas morning was very exciting. Alyssa was happy to see that Santa tasted the cookies, drank the milk and the reindeer enjoyed the carrots. He also left presents in the Serrano Family Santa bag. What a nice Santa Claus.
Reindeer's carrot plate

Jake enjoyed himself this year. He finally understands the concept of presents. It did however take him FOREVER to open a present. He tore a small piece of paper off one at a time. He provided updates along the way, "almost done." Thanks, Jake! Most of all he loved his new train, Thomas Train sets, Mack Truck and Buzz Lightyear.

Believe it or not, Jake is excited.

Jake controlling part of his new train from his sit and spin.

Alyssa didn't do so bad herself. The laptop computer was a hit, but the best present of the day had to be the Taylor Swift concert tickets. Just see her expression below. Ah to be a kid again!

Taylor Swift concert tickets!!!!!! Tay Swift as she calls her is her favorite!

Alyssa and her Just like me American Girl doll

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and received all they hoped for!

Merry Christmas!!

Sebastian, Traci, Alyssa and Jake

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