Sunday, September 27, 2009

Swimming and Soccer...our weekly routine!

The pool is proving to be great family/friend time. Lucky for us the weather continues to be warm allowing us plenty of time in our new pool. The kids (and parents) love having people over to enjoy the pool. Jake and Alyssa are turning into quite the little fish! And thank goodness for the pool this weekend, I'm solo while the hubby is off enjoying a football weekend in Maryland with my sister, brother-in-law and friends.  How is that even fair?!?!

Jakey and Alyssa

Jake, Maya and Alyssa (Jake jumped back in after he was already dressed and he's pretty darn proud of himself)

Lava Girls played another tough team. They tied 4-4. Competition is proving to be quite tough this year. The girls are really having to work for their goals. Alyssa had two beautiful goals and played her little heart out! We are so proud of you baby!

Learning the defensive game this year. She wasn't letting anyone get by her (can't you tell by her stance)

Jakey is Alyssa's biggest fan! He's always clapping and yelling,"go sissy". He just wants to know why these games always interfere with his naps!

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