Saturday, September 19, 2009

Soccer and Reunion

Another weekend, another soccer game! Lava Girls didn't fare as well this weekend, but we'll get'em next time! Alyssa played tough and showed great sportsmanship! Although, as angry as she is that they lost, the team next weekend better watch out! Go #5! (On a side note, Jakey finally had a successful game without hitting or pushing the other siblings! What a great accomplishment!)

Take a good look at the freshly cut grass! Alyssa's wonderful daddy went out the night before the game to cut the grass himself to ensure the girls had a safe field to play on. What a great hubby I have!

One of Alyssa's former ECC kindergarten classmates had a party and most of the kids reunited to celebrate his birthday. It was so great to see all the kids and parents. Alyssa's class was so close and the kids were truly happy to see each other! Another great weekend!

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