Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Alyssa played in the Surf Cup Thanksgiving weekend. They lost in the semi-finals on penalty kicks. Lis made hers. That makes me proud.

Video is an example of #momfail.  I didn't keep the camera on her or the ball.  (please ignore my annoying voice)

Walking up to take her pk. She went second

Setting up

Jake got a much needed hair cut. He dislikes short hair and getting haircuts very much. I like him clean cut. I win for now.

At the Headquarters downtown on a random Saturday afternoon with nothing to do
I'm still taller than she is....barely

Alyssa went to 6th grade camp.  Very emotional for everyone. Longest.Week.Ever!
She had a great time and I'm happy for her experience, but even happier to have her home.

Brothers welcoming home their sisters
Watery eyes on their way to getting on the bus
Dinner the night before she left for camp.  Jakey was sad she was leaving. He stuck close by the few days prior to her leaving.
Thank goodness AYSO is over for Jakey. Not an epic season.  When did AYSO get so bad?!!?!?

Egyptian day at school


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