Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Vacation

We just got back from a very relaxing trip to Arizona.  Spent one night in Phoenix to break up the drive. Our vacation started with Jakey losing his very first tooth. It's been loose for about a week. In the morning he took a bite of a blueberry muffin and casually asks me, "what's this?" Hand out with his tooth. He looks so old with his missing tooth.  He didn't put his tooth under the pillow at the hotel.  He decided to wait until we got home so the tooth fairy wouldn't mess up the pillows at the hotel. 

He looks so old with his missing tooth
Dinner at the Sugar Bowl

Yummy ice cream

We headed north to Flagstaff and spent several wonderful days in town.  Sebastian and I used to spend many long weekends there. It was our happy place. So much so we were married there.  We haven't been back in many years. After we pulled into town and saw the San Francisco Peaks we asked ourselves how on earth has it been so darn long.  It also made me start questing why we ever sold our house. We MUST go back soon. 

Jakey and Lis with Louie the Lumberjack outside the dome at NAU. I'm pretty certain I have the same picture when I was in sixth grade.
Fun to drive around campus and show the kids where I lived and had class.

The real reason we traveled to Flagstaff was to attend the wedding of Kaity Wigman. When I lived in Flag I spent many many hours at the Wigman home and with the entire Wigman family and extended family. They are an amazing family. People who are truly genuine, warm and honest.  After leaving Flagstaff I continued to visit and they welcomed Sebastian into their home just as they did for me.  I will be forever grateful for how wonderful they were to me.

 Kaity was in elementary school when I attended NAU. Can't believe she got married. I feel fortunate that we were invited to celebrate such a special day and it was amazing to spend time with those I knew when I lived in Flag.

Only a few pictures from the 
wedding because Sebastian's phone battery died early in the evening and then mine followed. Beautiful backyard wedding.  Sometimes when you attend weddings you walk away feeling like it completely represented who they were. This wedding did that indeed. Down to the mom of the bride cutting wedding cake and the bride helping to pass it out. Perfect night. 

Judy, mom of the bride. This picture is perfect.

The beautiful bride, Mrs. Kaity Childers

The balcony of the Hotel Weatherford. The place of our wedding reception. I wish I could find several pictures we have taken in this exact place over the years.

11 years later we have two beautiful children standing in the exact same place

Same table and location where we ate dinner at our wedding reception.  Only difference is this time it was almost 100 degrees out, on our wedding night it was more like 30 degrees.

Our wedding day 2-2-02 on the steps of the church

11 1/2 years later.......

we have two great kids.....

and a great family

Took a day trip to the Grand Canyon because I'm the only person in this family who has been.  Jake may have gotten more excited watching the overzealous squirrels. Those things are everywhere and not the least bit shy.


1 comment:

  1. it all looks like you had such a fun time! I love to look back at the photos of our grand adventures at Great Wolf and smile. Summer vacations really are some special occasions
