Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring Break and more

Spring Break is over.  Happy or sad, depends on who you ask. I took one week off to be with the kids.  We didn't go anywhere, but boy was it exhausting.  Try 4 sleepovers in a matter of 6 days. I feel like I spent my entire "vacation" coordinating schedules with other moms.  Some of Alyssa's friends were off the week before she was. This is how it went down in my house that week.  Phone rings, Alyssa sees the name on caller id, screams I got it.  Hello.  Hi (insert friends name here in a super happy voice), nothing, what are you doing? (shoulders drop) Oh, sounds like fun, sorry, I can't, I'm still in school this week.  Okay, maybe next week (sad voice) Bye.  Such a hard life.  

Alyssa had her spring concert at school Thursday night before break. I told Alyssa she will have to miss practice because she has to be at school at 6:30 pm.  Her response, "I don't want to miss practice. Mom, what if I promise not to get sweaty can I go to practice for a short while and then get ready for my performance in the car?"  Her Dad's response, "How are you going to control not getting sweaty?"  A - "I just will. I can't miss practice. We are working on stuff."  Ummmmm.....No. Skipping practice and going to your performance clean and on time.  It was fun. Her class did the Irish Gig.  Fun to watch.

We also took a quick drive north to visit Farrell's for an early birthday celebration for Alyssa.  The kids have never been and I haven't been in many years, since they were located in San Diego.  No luck ordering the Zoo. Always wanted one as a child, and now that I'm an adult I thought it would be possible. That thing feeds 10 people and cost $59!!! Maybe next time. :(

Always wanted to order the Zoo when I was little. Thought I would now that I am an adult. Guess again, not paying $60!
After they sang Double Digits to her

We've had down time with soccer. Alyssa has only been practicing twice a week and games have been scheduled sporadically since indoor ended. That came to a quick halt. Alyssa is playing for her school team which means practices on Monday and Wednesday (game) after school with an occasional Friday mixed in. Then after Monday school practice she will run the Bonita Golf Course with her club team. Tuesday and Thursday practice with Pumas and then Friday school practice followed by volleyball. How the heck did things get so busy again.  She loves it and it keeps her in good shape so we shouldn't complain. 

Jakey has been riding his bike like a champ. He loves riding around the neighborhood and leaving the occasional skid mark.  We are preparing for kindergarten and he seems ready. 

                                             Jakey's first swing.

Spring break fun playing miniature golf

Someone is having fun

Same shoe when I was little, in high school and  still today.  

and school house

Lissy wanted to bake her own birthday cake and cupcakes. She enjoys watching baking ideas on  Youtube. She picked rainbow cupcakes. You should have seen the kitchen. Yikes!

Cake decorating contest at her sleep over.

Sleep over fun

spring soccer

Uh, "man on"is an understatement 

Insert mom bragging here......Here corner kicks are fabulous. She's so consistent. The team is finally starting to score off her corners. Woo hoo! Makes her a happy girl

Delaney scored off her beautiful corner kick

Alyssa is playing on her school team and so is her bestie, Makenna
CCA won 3-2. She had two assists. Too bad boys won't pass to girls 

Birthday party fun!

Bike riding fun. We've almost convinced him that he is ready for a bigger bike. He said he needs to "get a little bit of better" before he gets a bigger bike

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Double Digits!

Happy 10th Birthday to our first born, Alyssa Dyan Serrano!  Dad and I can hardly believe you are already 10.  We reminisce every year how we drove our tiny baby home in the rain so very carefully and then wondered what the heck we were going to do with you once we got there. We placed your carrier down in the middle of the room and sat and stared at you. We were so very nervous to have you home and wondered what the upcoming days would bring.  Fast forward 10 years later and here you are, loved, healthy and amazing. You are a true blessing to our family.  Love you so very much! Hope your first year in double digits is everything you could hope for and more.

Day of her 10th Birthday.
Scored 3 goals at her game. Great birthday present to herself!