Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Birthdays with friends

You may have heard us mention once or twice our friends the Getty's.  You probably feel like you know them because they show up in my posts quite regularly.  These wonderful people are our dear friends.  We met them Alyssa's first year of soccer on the Blueberries.  Jakey was a newborn, Mady a toddler and Isa and Alyssa were 4 and well......they were Frenemies.  We all hit it off our first season together. They continued to be our friends even after they witnessed our not so stellar parenting skills, Jakey being left in the car compliments of his dad and a great parking space, Sebastian admitting he flipped out, slammed the door and broke a frame off the wall because we were running late to a game, our ball hog daughter and well our big mouths in general and that was only the first few months we knew them.  Fast forward almost 5 years later. Our girls are still playing together, Sebe and Aron have coached soccer teams together, we've traveled successfully together and we spend hours upon hours spending quality family time.  Not only do we spend holidays together, but we celebrate birthdays. Sebe and Secorra (soccer spouses) both have May birthdays, May 11 and May 9, respectively.  This year we went out to dinner both nights to celebrate each of their birthdays, and this year we got an extra special treat and celebrated Secorra's birthday with a great party. Can't beat a night of good food, friends and dancing (Sebastian not included in the dancing part of course).  Happy birthday to the most wonderful husband and father, and happy birthday to a wonderful friend and extra wife to Sebe.  Who knew we could find another couple so similar to ourselves.  We feel truly blessed to have them in our lives!

Aron, Secorra, Traci and Sebe

Supersonic Moms

Fire Foxes Moms

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