Monday, May 28, 2012

Champions X2!!!

This is Alyssa's free kick from the tournament this weekend.  Great slow motion video.  (It's out of order because my posting capabilities are lacking a bit)

Lots of winning has taken place over the last few weeks.  Supersonic ended the Spring Select season as Champions! The girls beat the fourth place team to advance to the finals and beat a fellow Bonita team in the finals.  All around awesome games.  Alyssa ended the season with the most assists on her team.  Who knew my daughter could pass so well.  I love that she is becoming a team player and looking to move the ball.  Also a tad excited that she is now only on one team.  Hopefully this means we won't have soccer 6 days a week.  Woo hoo!!!

Auntie TT happened to catch this shot on her iphone.  Alyssa made an incredible pass to Isa,  top of the picture, and Isa proceeded to score a beautiful goal.  Great teamwork!


Getting her trophy from Coach Bubba
Supersonic 2012

Alyssa played in her first soccer tournament with her club team, Pumas.   It started out a bit shaky when I learned she got sick in Aron's car on the way to the game.  Yikes!  Praying it was nerves.  She said she felt better and was ready to play.  We didn't really know what to expect, but to our surprise the girls came out playing tough.  In the first game Alyssa received her first yellow card of her career.  The other girl received a yellow card as well, but at least Alyssa got a penalty kick out of it.  I was proud of her for playing tough.  In another game she took a soccer ball to the eye and had to come out of the game. We all know Alyssa doesn't like to cry in public so when she asked to come out of the game and was teary I knew it was bad. Thank goodness to the other mothers sitting next to me who kept me from running on the field to see if she was okay. That might have been a tad bit embarrassing for Lis. I've got to work on that. The girls beat every team they played and won their very first tournament together. The final game was the most exciting. Pumas won 4-3 and it came down to the final minutes of the game. Alyssa made a great shot that I honestly thought was going over the goal to tie the game. All around exciting until the very end.  I loved seeing how happy the girls were after they won. The best part was Alyssa wanting to wear her medal to bed and then wanting to wear it to the store the very next day.  True happiness!

Pictures from her first yellow card

Apparently Alyssa didn't appreciate being pushed or elbowed. She played hard and pushed her back.  Lis just walked away while the other girl was on the ground crying.

Receiving her medal from Coach Guy

Fire Foxes turned Pumas
Indoor season is officially over.  I'm a little sad because it was so fun to watch. It was fast paced and the girls really enjoyed the experience.  Alyssa ended the season with 12 goals, still on the leader board tied for third even after missing a game.


Alyssa and Isa's friend from Kinder came to cheer them on. We should have Sean at every game. They both really turned it on for him.
I got to enjoy Parent's Day at Jakey's school.   The intention was to show the parents what they do during kid fit. No way Jakey could go along with the program. We played with the racket and ball the entire time.  
School's out for summer! I can't believe Alyssa is a fourth grader! This was her last field trip of the school year. 

Alyssa and Makenna
I love the innocence of these two and their friendship.  Ah to be young  again and just  not to  have a care in the world.
Academic Excellence for Straight A's the entire school year once again and Christian Leadership.  So proud!!!
Sophie O, Alyssa and Makenna

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Birthdays with friends

You may have heard us mention once or twice our friends the Getty's.  You probably feel like you know them because they show up in my posts quite regularly.  These wonderful people are our dear friends.  We met them Alyssa's first year of soccer on the Blueberries.  Jakey was a newborn, Mady a toddler and Isa and Alyssa were 4 and well......they were Frenemies.  We all hit it off our first season together. They continued to be our friends even after they witnessed our not so stellar parenting skills, Jakey being left in the car compliments of his dad and a great parking space, Sebastian admitting he flipped out, slammed the door and broke a frame off the wall because we were running late to a game, our ball hog daughter and well our big mouths in general and that was only the first few months we knew them.  Fast forward almost 5 years later. Our girls are still playing together, Sebe and Aron have coached soccer teams together, we've traveled successfully together and we spend hours upon hours spending quality family time.  Not only do we spend holidays together, but we celebrate birthdays. Sebe and Secorra (soccer spouses) both have May birthdays, May 11 and May 9, respectively.  This year we went out to dinner both nights to celebrate each of their birthdays, and this year we got an extra special treat and celebrated Secorra's birthday with a great party. Can't beat a night of good food, friends and dancing (Sebastian not included in the dancing part of course).  Happy birthday to the most wonderful husband and father, and happy birthday to a wonderful friend and extra wife to Sebe.  Who knew we could find another couple so similar to ourselves.  We feel truly blessed to have them in our lives!

Aron, Secorra, Traci and Sebe

Supersonic Moms

Fire Foxes Moms

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Update in Pictures

Here's what we've been up pictures!

Jakey's art show. His class presented mobiles.

 Jakey and Justice
These two were just signed up for soccer. We are hoping they end up on the same team. Can't believe Jakey will be playing soccer come August.

 Picture on the classroom board
 His hockey mobile
 Reunited with Ytalia
Showing off his mobile

One more game of indoor soccer with her club team, Pumas.  I'm actually sad it's over. It was a lot of fun to watch. The game moves so quickly so the game goes by so fast. The girls have really enjoyed playing indoor and it's a nice change from outdoor.

 Watching her team

Alyssa was tied for third on the leader board! Go baby!

Kailey and Alyssa on the leader board

Supersonic is almost over. The girls made playoffs so one weekend remaining.  Once this season is over we will only have soccer practice Tuesday - Thursday. Hallelujah! 

Jakey fishing with Papa Walt at Auntie TT's birthday party

I can hardly believe my baby girl is 9 years old!!!! Honestly, where does the time go. Instead of a birthday party she had soccer/friends over for a bbq and slumber party.  I thought I was crazy to have so many little girls spend the night, but they were amazing and a good time was had by all.

One happy girl with her new ipod touch
Happy 9th birthday, baby. You make us amazingly proud! You are a great person, student and soccer player. We couldn't love you anymore than we do.  

Pictures are starting to surface from our wine trip to Temecula.  

It looked like the adults returned from summer camp

 Jakey is one funny little boy. The stuff that goes on in the car while I'm driving.

Alyssa was nominated for a Round Table award  K-6 again this year. She won the award last year so we were surprised to see she was nominated again. So proud!

 Jakey's field trip to the Nature Center