Sunday, April 8, 2012

FINALLY, a new post!!!

I've commented several times during the past AYSO soccer seasons that it keeps me on track with posting. I like to post pictures and discuss Lissy's games and other things going on with the family. Right now, I would have to say soccer seasonS (yes, plural! More on that in a minute) is what is keeping me from posting. Since the end of the Fire Foxes season a few years ago we have said we wanted to get the girls back together. That we did indeed! So exciting, right? It's doubly exciting. They are back together on TWO teams! Yes TWO! The girls first got back together to play Spring Select through AYSO with one of the fathers from Fire Foxes, Coach Bubba for Supersonic. We obviously like to take things to the extreme and had 5 of the 6 Fire Foxes tryout for a club team, Pumas. All 5 of the girls made the team. So now we have soccer Tuesday - Sunday. Monday is our only day off! Here is a sample of what our house sounds like during the week. Practice today? Yes. What field? What time? What color shirt do I wear today, light blue or dark blue? What time is practice? Indoor game today? Supersonic practice today? Supersonic game today? Group text going around if we can make a scrimmage on such and such day. Can we make it? Is it too much for the girls? How many games this weekend? Poor Jakey even wakes up and asks, what do I have today? Then I generally respond with Sissy has practice. He responds with what team? Then I tell him and he asks will Gannon be there? Then he knows it's one of three fields we practice at and which team because Gannon's sister only plays on Supersonic. Spring Select ends in May and then the focus for the remainder of the year is Pumas. Hopefully that will take us down to two practices a week and give the girls a few days off during the week.

I've enjoyed watching Jakey form friendships. He has even coordinated a few play dates on his own. He asked me one day after school if we could get a donut at Krispy Kreme since it's right by his school. I said sure and we headed over. He kept telling me Justice is coming. I laughed it off because I didn't talk to Justice's mom. Sure enough they pull right in behind us. His mom laughed and said Jake invited us. He's lucky I agreed to take him or else he would have stood up his friend. Haha!

I wish I could remember everything we've been up to. I guess that's where posting every week comes in handy. I'll just provide you with a picture update below. I hope to not let so much time pass by. By the way, can you believe my baby girl who I just brought home from the hospital is going to be 9 on Friday!!!!!! Holy cow!!!!!! Sebastian keeps saying we are half way to 18! God help us!!!!

Wish I had pictures from the Pumas scrimmage from Saturday. Lissy played outstanding! She is finally passing the ball! Pumas tied 3-3 (but I have to say 2 of their 3 goals were garbage. They were basically given to them. Okay enough said about that) Lis had 2 assists and 1 goal. I couldn't decide if I was more proud of her passing, assists, that she finally using her body or her goal. The coach even told Sebastian what a great game she had and to please pass it along to her. She was so proud after she heard that. Keep up the good work, baby! Okay, bragging over...

Pictures below are not in chronological order because I'm just plain lazy!

Fires Foxes then and Supersonic now. They all look so much older
L-R bottom picture (Kailey, Sarah, Irelin, Veronica, Alyssa, Isa)

Great Supersonic game a few weeks ago in the pouring rain! I'm talking downpour! We won 2-1 and Lis scored both goals. She had a great game! So proud of her!


This girl thought she was tough pushing the girls, Lis had enough. She wasn't so tough when someone actually did it back. Tears and all

Jakey gets to play this year. He can hardly wait.

Temecula Wine Tasting (only took 2 years to plan) All Fire Foxes parents

Parents went wine tasting. These kids stayed behind, but got to check out the back of the limo first

Father Daughter dance immediately after we returned from wine tasting. This is BEFORE he had to borrow a tie (already tied might I add) from Aron for the second week in a row. She was so happy and had a great time.

Sebastian and Jakey were out and about and he actually stopped Sebastian to ask what this was. So funny!

Pumas practice on a dark shirt day. Lissy likes to remind us now that she has practice shirts for club she has to wear to practice and wears a uniform to school and wears a uniform to games, bedtime and a few weekend afternoons are the only time she is able to wear what she likes. Poor baby! It does make it easier on mom, with the exception of frantically looking for the shirt she has to wear on a particular day. haha!

While the kids went to a birthday party (thank you Auntie Michelle for watching the kids) we went to a engagement party. It was fun to dress up. Yes, that's Sebastian in a suit and tie. Not his tie of course. Another borrowed from Aron. Pre-tied and all!

Jakey got 5 shots and not a tear! How is that possible. This kid cries if you think about even looking at him funny. Tough guy!

This was dad's reward to him

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