Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and everything in between!

Months have gone by since my last post. This post is one big photo dump with a few updates along the way.

Hoping 2012 brings you and yours many blessings! Happy New Year!!!

Alyssa's school Christmas performance

Never too old to enjoy Twilight with your friends

Snow at SeaWorld


Jakey was adamant that he was NOT going to sing and did not want to go on stage for his Christmas performance. He did great! Sang and danced! Go Jakey!

End of soccer season party! (I mean with last year's team...we still had to get together to celebrate surviving the season apart)

The Dads reluctantly taking a group shot
Fire Foxes Mom's
Midnight and 7 of the 10 kids made it
Greek Geckos placed 3rd. Sebastian and Aron did an amazing job with the girls! Who knew we would win as many games as we did! So proud!

Quite the pair
Greek Geckos 2011

Alyssa getting her trophy
Last season game...GOAL!
Mike Simpson did a great job with our family pictures this year. A few pictures from the day

Green Geckos made the playoffs!!! Isa and Alyssa Captains! Geckos went 1-2. Alyssa ended the season with 18 goals on the year. Go baby Go!

Green Geckos end of season party
Getting her medal with Coach Aron

Jakey's first trip to Legoland

He's loving Star Wars these days

Snow at Legoland

Driving the cars at Disneyland

Believe it or not he is having fun on the Casey Junior train

He loves his Christmas present

Alyssa in the city! San Francisco family vacation

China Town

Sebastian paid the $.50 to take a picture inside the fortune cookie store. The man came out and surprised him by taking another picture

Alyssa holding dinner. We met the Getty's in Santa Rosa to enjoy New Year's. They went to the bay to get fresh crab. So delicious!!!!
At the Bella winery

Alyssa rollerskating. Her first experience at a roller rink

Relaxing around the fire pit at our hotel

Happy New Year!!!

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