Sunday, July 31, 2011

School has begun for Jakey. Big big sigh! I can't believe my baby boy is starting his last year of preschool. He is officially in Pre-K and on the upper campus or "upper camp" as he says. His class size has doubled and he only has one familiar face in his class from last year. Luckily he sees one of his friends on the playground. We are fortunate enough that his teacher is Ms. Eva. This was Alyssa's very first preschool teacher. She's wonderful and is making the transition easy for Jakey.

Walking into school

The face after he was picked up

Being excused from class

Outside his classroom

We got to enjoy a few quick day visit with Mike and Tammy from Colorado. Went to opening day at the races, quite the experience. Great place to people watch though. Their stay went way too fast! Hope to see them again soon!

Sebastian and Mike at the Field downtown

Jakey enjoyed a day out with his buddies from his old preschool class. Old Poway Park to ride the train, play in the park and eat lunch, great afternoon! He so enjoys his own time with mom and his friends. It's so fun to see him have his own things to do.

A quick cute story. A few days before we had our play date I received a text from Ytalia's mom. The text read

Ytalia started school today on the lower campus she said Jake must be sick because he was not at school. I tried to explain he was in another class. She said would have to visit him because he is probably worried about her.

So cute! Poor kids didn't truly understand that they would all be in different classes going to school on different days. Bummer!

Ytalia, Jakey, Chloe and Andrew

They were all so happy to see each other. They were giving each other a great big hug!

Jakey and Ytalia at lunch

Friday night we stopped in for a quick bowling trip before the coaches had to rush off to the soccer draft. I won't say much about the draft because no need to dwell on negative things or shaddy people, but I will say that I am really proud of our coaches (Sebastian and Aron) for doing things the RIGHT way ALWAYS! Regardless of what others say or do, they know it's all about the girls. I love them both for that! The girls on this year's team are very lucky to have two great coaches. We are all very sad not to have one returning player from last year, but very happy that this will be the 5th season that Isa and Alyssa will be together.
I will say though that it was fun to sit and get texts from the coaches as we sat on the couch anxiously awaiting the names of the new players. Here's looking to another awesome season!

Pictures from our Vegas trip compliments of Mrs. Secorra Getty. Guess I've got a blog follower! Thank you!

Shark Reef Aquarium. Favorite pic!

Shark Reef Aquarium

This sign was so cool! As you walked by the picture moved, like water. Fun!

On the tram ride to our day adventure while the men golfed.

Jakey and Auntie TT

First night in Vegas at dinner. Ah love!

Last night in Vegas. Dinner at Tao. Could not get a picture with my eyes open. If you saw how bright the flash was, then you'd understand

Stay tuned for SOCCER SEASON! Practice starts this week. Soccer season keeps me on my toes and I generally post weekly. Hope that is the case this season.

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