Sunday, July 31, 2011

School has begun for Jakey. Big big sigh! I can't believe my baby boy is starting his last year of preschool. He is officially in Pre-K and on the upper campus or "upper camp" as he says. His class size has doubled and he only has one familiar face in his class from last year. Luckily he sees one of his friends on the playground. We are fortunate enough that his teacher is Ms. Eva. This was Alyssa's very first preschool teacher. She's wonderful and is making the transition easy for Jakey.

Walking into school

The face after he was picked up

Being excused from class

Outside his classroom

We got to enjoy a few quick day visit with Mike and Tammy from Colorado. Went to opening day at the races, quite the experience. Great place to people watch though. Their stay went way too fast! Hope to see them again soon!

Sebastian and Mike at the Field downtown

Jakey enjoyed a day out with his buddies from his old preschool class. Old Poway Park to ride the train, play in the park and eat lunch, great afternoon! He so enjoys his own time with mom and his friends. It's so fun to see him have his own things to do.

A quick cute story. A few days before we had our play date I received a text from Ytalia's mom. The text read

Ytalia started school today on the lower campus she said Jake must be sick because he was not at school. I tried to explain he was in another class. She said would have to visit him because he is probably worried about her.

So cute! Poor kids didn't truly understand that they would all be in different classes going to school on different days. Bummer!

Ytalia, Jakey, Chloe and Andrew

They were all so happy to see each other. They were giving each other a great big hug!

Jakey and Ytalia at lunch

Friday night we stopped in for a quick bowling trip before the coaches had to rush off to the soccer draft. I won't say much about the draft because no need to dwell on negative things or shaddy people, but I will say that I am really proud of our coaches (Sebastian and Aron) for doing things the RIGHT way ALWAYS! Regardless of what others say or do, they know it's all about the girls. I love them both for that! The girls on this year's team are very lucky to have two great coaches. We are all very sad not to have one returning player from last year, but very happy that this will be the 5th season that Isa and Alyssa will be together.
I will say though that it was fun to sit and get texts from the coaches as we sat on the couch anxiously awaiting the names of the new players. Here's looking to another awesome season!

Pictures from our Vegas trip compliments of Mrs. Secorra Getty. Guess I've got a blog follower! Thank you!

Shark Reef Aquarium. Favorite pic!

Shark Reef Aquarium

This sign was so cool! As you walked by the picture moved, like water. Fun!

On the tram ride to our day adventure while the men golfed.

Jakey and Auntie TT

First night in Vegas at dinner. Ah love!

Last night in Vegas. Dinner at Tao. Could not get a picture with my eyes open. If you saw how bright the flash was, then you'd understand

Stay tuned for SOCCER SEASON! Practice starts this week. Soccer season keeps me on my toes and I generally post weekly. Hope that is the case this season.

Monday, July 18, 2011

We have been keeping busy this summer. Alyssa enjoyed a week of soccer camp with all but one of her Fire Foxes soccer team members. The girls got right back into playing together again. The camp coach knew they were a soccer team and even referred to one of the girls as "Fire Foxes" all camp. Jakey was invited to his very first playdate during the camp with one of the girls' little brothers (more on that later) so Sebastian decided to take all the girls, plus a brother, for lunch and bowling. Pretty brave if you ask me. Kids all had a great time, but I would venture to say Sebastian may have had a better time having the team together. We ended camp with a fun swim party at the house. So nice to enjoy a Friday afternoon with a majority of parents and all the girls. What a special season/team it was last year. Soccer drafts are in a few weeks so we shall see if any of the girls will be together again. Fingers crossed!

Alyssa (believe it or not she is the youngest of the group), Sarah, Irelin and Isa

Brendan and Kailey

Jakey has been enjoying a little social life himself these days. As I mentioned above Jakey was invited to a playdate with another one of the little brothers. This was his very first invitation to have his very own playdate. I was a little nervous about him being dropped off and behaving, but apparently it went really well and he was happy to be doing his own thing. And a few days later Jakey had another playdate. This time with the little girl he adores so, Ytalia. They invited us to the Children's Museum. On the way to our playdate in the morning Jakey asked me to stop at the donut shop by his school (Krispy Kreme) to get a donut for Ytalia. A chocolate sprinkled one. WOW, he can actually be thoughtful. Guess that's what a little crush will do to a little boy. He was so happy to see her. He followed her around the museum and was so proud to show her the trolley's that drove past the museum. We walked to the Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch and he walked the streets downtown holding her hand so proud. So funny how young it starts. It was so cute to watch him like he was on a little date. He has another playdate with her this weekend to see trains. Trains and Ytalia? What a day he is in for.

Jakey and Ytalia at the Children's Museum

Walking to lunch

Enjoying dessert

We roadtripped it to Vegas a few weeks ago with our good friends the Getty's. Great weather, great friends and Vegas, what more can you ask for? Sebastian even surprised us by bringing along Auntie TT. She watched the kids one evening so we could go out and have a nice dinner and gamble a bit. Thanks, Taylor! We headed back just in time to take Jakey to Ytalia's birthday party on Friday evening. We were tempted to stay one more night when I saw that Nick Lachey would be hosting an evening in Vegas, but I declined just so Jakey could finally go to Ytalia's party. Jakey asked me many times prior to her party, "did I just already go to Ytalia's party?" How could I deny him? Overall fun trip and I even think we passed the travel test. Woot woot! Aloha anyone?

Only picture I took the entire vacation. Maybe Secorra will share a pic or two? Hmmm?

After Vegas we needed to fill a weekend with something fun to do so we rented a cabana at Knott's Soak City. The kids (less Jakey) enjoyed the water park. Jakey was content sitting in the cabana. What is wrong with that kid? Don't answer that. Haha! Another chance for Alyssa to hear me scream on a water slide. Sorry, but going down a tube in pitch black and then exiting the tube to slide up and down the side of a big funnel definitely constitutes LOTS of screams!

Four kids under those towels. Long day at the water park

Alyssa spent a week at SeaWorld camp with three of her kinder friends. The kids are all growing and changing, but it's still nice they like spending time together. The campers were told they would not be riding Journey to Atlantis. The one thing Alyssa really wanted to do was ride Journey to Atlantis so Carol and Sean invited us one evening after camp to ride the rides. How many times in a row can the mom's ride Journey toAtlantis at night before calling it quits? That would be 4 times! The kids got a kick out of listening to me scream each and every time. Guess there might be a pattern with me, if a ride is involved then that equals mom screaming.

We spent this past weekend camping at Lake Jennings. No toyhauler involved. Just the families, a tent and nature. Gotta love it when the moms run to the grocery store and come back to camp being completely set up. Love the men! We stayed two nights or maybe I should say one and three quarters. The first night after the kids and moms headed to bed the entertainment started at the campsite next to us. The gentleman (I use that term extremely loosely) started his rants and musical concert. With the radio blaring he started his yelling. A visit from the campground supervisor and a visit from the Sheriffs did not stop this man. He demanded a return visit at 2:30 am from more Sheriffs, paramedics and fire fighters before the ordeal was over. I'm just saying this could have made a great episode of Cops! During the ordeal Jake had issues with asthma that caused Sebastian and I to head home at 4:00 am. I promise this was not a ploy to sleep in my bed and take a warm shower the next morning. With Jake medicated and a little sleep we headed back to our campsite for a day of relaxing and a paddle boat ride on the lake. Let me just say they should warn you that it's tougher to paddle back in than out.

Jakey and Mady watching a movie in the tent

Roasting marshmallows

The girls in the morning hanging out

Jake starts school this week. Can't believe this is his last year of preschool! Where on earth has the time gone! Sigh!

Getting soccer pointers from Brendan