Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer is here!

I've been horrible with pictures lately, so be forewarned this is a picture-less blog. BORING!

We had a great Father's Day. Spent the day exactly as Sebastian wished. Pizza Port, homemade dinner and swimming. Perfect Sunday and Father's Day. He's such a wonderful dad and person. He deserves at least one day a year to do exactly as he wishes.

Jakey finished his first year of preschool a few weeks ago. It honestly feels like just yesterday I cried dropping him off with hopes he wouldn't hit kids or misbehave. I'm so proud to report he had an amazing year! No tears at all (with the exception of his first day of school when I picked him up). His teachers were so complimentary of him on the last day of school. All the amazing things a parent wants to hear, he's a good friend to others, he shares, he has lots of friends, he listens in class, etc. Why the heck doesn't he do all of those wonderful things on a daily basis at home? Well I guess it's better that he puts on a great public face and he lets loose at home. He's grown so much since he started school. Not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. He found his "first love" (I'm sure of many to come). He was even invited to a play date with her this weekend. He's so excited. His speech has vastly improved. There are still some words that even mom has to ask him to repeat, but for the most part he doesn't speak "Jakey" anymore. He's really coming into his own and it makes me so happy and proud to see.

We ventured out to the fair this year. We seem to go every other year. Once we go we always say the same thing, "nothing new this year, no need to go again next year." It's so true! It's always fun, but not necessary to go every year. The kids had a lot of fun on the rides and it was great to see Jakey enjoy himself on the rides and pick which ones he wanted to go on. He was so happy to be able to go on them alone and seemed really proud of himself.

Jakey is growing up so fast. He even told me the other day he's not a baby, he's a little man. Not kidding. He was talking about a girl and said she could be his princess and he would be the little man. Girls, watch out!

Off on a quick family road-trip next week. Hopefully I'll remember the camera and remember to charge the battery.

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