Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's been way too long!

I've been remiss in posting new blogs. I didn't realize how long it had been until I started looking through pictures from the past few weeks and my faithful blog follower, Angelica, kindly asked me several times where the heck the new postings were. 

We were rained out of another soccer game, Jake had harvest day at school, Alyssa went on a school field trip, we went to Ava's birthday party and Disneyland! Wow, a lot can happen in a few weeks. I'll just post pictures from the past few weeks and catch up next week. Enjoy!

Jake's first school picture!

Not amused that I wanted to take his picture on the horse at his school's harvest festival

Taking a ride with his friend Jillian

Playing the bean bag toss with his school friends, Alan and Anthony

Alyssa's been having a tough time this season getting into the groove. It was awesome to see her old self back on the field.

Love the blue lips after a drink of Gatorade

Jake at half time. He wants to play too.

We went to the SDSU football game and tailgated before and after the game. Since the kids have never properly tailgated before, they had a great time!

Jake was fascinated by Mady's finger in the car so of course he had to have his very own. He loves that foam thing!

Hanging out in the parking lot

Alyssa and school bestie, Makenna (r) on their school field trip (it was Dad's turn to go)

Jakey riding Thomas at Ava's birthday party

Jake with the birthday girl, Ava, in the ball pit
I wish I had a picture of both kids zip-lining. Jake was as stiff as a board.

Gotta love an impromptu family trip to Disneyland. We all had a great time.

Jakey rode Matterhorn for the very first time...yes, he cried!

Alyssa, Isa, Mady and Jakey

We always joke that when these kids get together they do a sibling switch, but during our trip it was even a parent's switch. Aron and Jakey rode together and Sebastian and Mady. Each ride was a different combo. Love it!

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