Friday, September 10, 2010

Jake's "field trip"

When we dropped Jake off for school this morning I noticed a sign-up sheet for parent volunteers to assist with their nature walk. When? Well today of course. Jake missed school on Wednesday because he was sick so I didn't see it until today. The beauty of vacation Friday is that I am completely available. The only appointment I have on Fridays is a standing breakfast date with my wonderful hubby. So of course I signed right up and returned promptly at 10:00 am for our nature walk to the upper campus. Paper bags and magnified glass in hand we were off for a walk up the ramp to the upper campus. The kids stopped and picked up leaves, rocks, snails, twigs...whatever they could put in their bags, all in preparation for a nature collage. The kids did a great job and it was fun to see Jake interact with his classmates. I had to see for myself what a good kid he is at school just to make sure the teacher wasn't lying to me. ha ha!

Lining up for the nature walk

Picking leaves from the bush (his little girlfriend Jillian in the background)

Filing up his bag

Waiting to pick bark from the tree (waiting for Ytalia and Jillian to take their turn)

Walking back to his classroom

Trying to get a class picture of 2 and 3 year olds is next to impossible

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