Sunday, September 26, 2010


The much anticipated game of the season.....I was so nervous before the game, you would have thought I was the one playing. The Fire Foxes BEAT the Crazy Crocodiles 5-1 (although a few say 6-1). It was an action packed game to say the least. Our parents thus far have been relatively quiet and calm, but this game brought out some emotions from our parents. I'm right there with them! Not only did our kids out play their team our coaches out-coached theirs. So proud!
Alyssa was so nervous before the game. When the game started she was like a deer caught in headlights. It was like she was a different kid on the field. She would stand and watch the kids. What the heck! Not her at all. She definitely recognized the girls from last year that tried to take her out. Ugh! All I can think is that she was a bit worried about being kicked in the stomach again. Her team played so hard. Of course the other team was kicking, tripping and pushing our girls, but one thing is for sure, they did NOT back down. I have pictures of one of our players taking a cleat to the leg, another being grabbed by her shirt and another taking an elbow to the neck. SERIOUSLY! Pictures don't lie! Alyssa only got tripped a few times and only took a kick to the knee. Wow, did I just say only! ha ha! Anyway, so glad that game is done and over with. Now we can enjoy the rest of the season! Go Fire Foxes!!!!

Pauline (Sarah's Mom), Me and Mary Lin (Irelin's mom)....we were actually friends at a job right out of high our kids are playing on the same team...small world!

Someone is nervous....Dad giving Alyssa a pep talk before the game started

Go right home after the game????? Not a chance. We had to discuss the game in detail, video and camera in hand, we enjoyed some Jamba Juice and Subway while discussing the game... LOVE our coaches!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

While Dad is Away....

Oh great....BOTH kids have decided they are going to be whiny while Dad is away. I'm used to Alyssa being that way because she has been like that since she was a toddler, but now Jake too? Oh boy! He keeps asking where's daddy? Are we waiting for daddy? Then his sister will chime in with, "Jake, we told you, dad is in Denver." Get home SOON!

Fire Foxes played their second game against the Blue Dolphins. I think the score was somewhere along the lines of 12-1. The girls played well, but seemed a bit off. Maybe it was the 9:00 am game time. Stay tuned for next week when we play Alyssa's arch nemesis from last year. The team that actually made Alyssa cry by kicking her in the stomach amongst other places. I'm still worked up from last year and hope I don't have to be "mama bear" watching out for my little cub because that has potential to not be pretty. An entire year of brewing feelings. Yikes, watch out!

I can't recall if the girl is flinching because Alyssa kicked the ball at her or if she's just worried it will hit her. The Blue Dolphins took a few kicked balls off their body parts.

Just another goal scored by the Fire Foxes

After the game we headed off to Sean's birthday party. He is one of Alyssa's current classmates and from her kinder class. How fun that 8 of the 10 kinder kids made it to his party. They are seriously still like brothers and sisters. That was completely evident in the battle zone they created in one of the jumpies. They don't see boy/girl, they just see sibling. The girls and boys were body slamming, hitting each other and just plain taking each other out. Sean's mom has always said her money was on Alyssa when it came to those kids battling. I have to say I think she gave those boys a run for their money. Poor Jakey got caught in there and ended up with two kids on top of him. I don't think I've ever moved that fast...I climbed in to get him out. Poor little guy. One cute moment from the party was when Alyssa saw her friend Vincent (from kinder) and he yelled with delight ALYSSA and she yelled VINCENT and they ran to each other to hug. It was so sweet! I miss that class so much! It's nice that 4 of them are still together at CCA.

Most of these kids are kinder friends along with their siblings

Friday, September 17, 2010


It wouldn't be a proper holiday weekend without having the Getty's over. Alyssa knows when they come over she gets to stay up late. In this picture the girls are so tired after swimming on Labor Day weekend, but not tired enough to eat candy though.

Finally able to go to one of Jake's swim classes. He is now swimming under water. He's doing great!

Playing just dance after a swim and the Fire Foxes' first win. We were all on such a high from such a great season opener. (They even got Sebastian to dance!)

Picture Day. Every year we take a family picture in front of the banner. Look at our first family picture. Jake was only a few weeks old. They grow up way too fast!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fire Foxes Season Opener!

Let's go Fire Foxes!!!!! What a great season opener! Fire Foxes 14 - Cheetahs 0! I wish I could even put into words what a fabulous game the girls played. The girls put into action everything they have learned at practice. Quick throw ins, great corner kicks, passing, hustling, listening to each other, listening to the! We had the most amazing corner kick happen yesterday. Isa took the corner kick, the girls positioned themselves just as they've been taught, Isa kicked the ball right to Kailey and bam....she kicked the ball in the goal. The other team honestly didn't even know what hit them. I heard one of the parents say, "now that's some great coaching." At that very moment I was so proud! Aron and Sebastian are doing an amazing job! I'm truly looking forward to this season. We have a great group of girls and parents! Go Fire Foxes!!!

Go Lissy #8!

Jakey boy and Mady girl! (our first season together Jakey was a newborn and Mady was a toddler, now she's playing on Flower Power)

Fire Foxes!
Alyssa, Kailey, Sarah, Isa, Irelin and Veronica
Every player scored at least one goal.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Jake's "field trip"

When we dropped Jake off for school this morning I noticed a sign-up sheet for parent volunteers to assist with their nature walk. When? Well today of course. Jake missed school on Wednesday because he was sick so I didn't see it until today. The beauty of vacation Friday is that I am completely available. The only appointment I have on Fridays is a standing breakfast date with my wonderful hubby. So of course I signed right up and returned promptly at 10:00 am for our nature walk to the upper campus. Paper bags and magnified glass in hand we were off for a walk up the ramp to the upper campus. The kids stopped and picked up leaves, rocks, snails, twigs...whatever they could put in their bags, all in preparation for a nature collage. The kids did a great job and it was fun to see Jake interact with his classmates. I had to see for myself what a good kid he is at school just to make sure the teacher wasn't lying to me. ha ha!

Lining up for the nature walk

Picking leaves from the bush (his little girlfriend Jillian in the background)

Filing up his bag

Waiting to pick bark from the tree (waiting for Ytalia and Jillian to take their turn)

Walking back to his classroom

Trying to get a class picture of 2 and 3 year olds is next to impossible

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jakey's birthday party

Jakey held his 3rd birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's. When asked what he wanted to do for his birthday he always said he wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese. He loves that place! Although as adults we know that place can be kind of gross, we celebrated they way Jake wanted to. He had a wonderful time with all his friends (all girls at that). I'm so happy that he was able celebrate just the way he wanted to.

Jakey and cousin Brenter

Guess he's not that interested in Chuck E.

During the birthday show

Swimming after Chuck E. Cheese's with Auntie TT

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday, Jakey!

My sweet baby boy is 3! He spent the day sick with a cold, but managed to make it to his sister's soccer practice. He even opened birthday presents in the back of his dad's truck after practice. Poor second baby! :) We all love you so much Jakey boy!

Riding in the wagon at practice

Watching practice

Sissy bought him a truck and a dvd with her own money. What a great big sister he has.