Saturday, May 22, 2010

We survived!

Alyssa had her Spring Knights concert last night. Her class sang and danced the Twist. Super cute! No pictures during the performance because once again no flash photography during the performance. Ah come on! I did buy the DVD so Sebastian can see the performance in it's entirety. Jake actually sat through the ENTIRE performance. Thank you to the two little girls sitting next to us and the one in front of us for keeping Jake's attention.

Alyssa in her classroom before she put on her skirt and hair ribbon.

One of the little girls sitting by us during the performance

Today was the second to last soccer game. Alyssa played more great D! The Orange Champions held the other team to a scoreless game. Way to go!

Some would say Jake is very mischievous. I like to say he's interested, curious or even intrigued. Ha ha! So I'm sitting at the computer and all I hear are giggles at my feet. Look what I found...

Yes, he unrolled an entire dispenser of tape

A little later I hear him crying. What's stuck around his ankle??? ANOTHER dispenser of tape he unraveled around his ankle that he can't get off! Tape is obviously not safe in our house.

Dad is on a flight home as we speak. Thank goodness! He has two very anxious (and might I say whiny) little kids at home waiting for his arrival.....and presents of course! We survived!

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