Sean, Jakob and Alyssa (all friends from kinder)
Sealife Aquarium
Jakob, Sean and Alyssa enjoying riding without their parents
Alyssa and her school bestie, Makenna
We brought the kids bathing suits so they could enjoy the water play area
Face painting
End of the day at Legoland
Saturday we spent the day in LA to celebrate Corey's graduation.
Alyssa and Granny at Grauman's Chinese Theatre
Someone needs a nap!
Alyssa is finally overcoming her fear of dogs.
What an amazing view from the Edwards' backyard
Sunday we celebrated Memorial Day with a bbq and swimming. Spending the day outside by the pool sure felt like a lazy summertime day. Jake is getting braver in the pool these days...or should I say the jacuzzi. That kid has very little interest in the pool. He seems to think swimming means turning on the jacuzzi and just moving about in his little domain. He's really into Toy Story right now and decided he was buzz light year. He would stand up and proclaim. "to infini and beon." For those of you who don't speak Jakey, that translates to infinity and beyond. The kids know bbq for the Serrano's and Getty's means late night fun! The kids let the parents enjoy the jacuzzi in the evening while they played in the sandbox, watched movies, ate snacks and ruled the house. What a fun Memorial Day weekend!