Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

I love a long weekend! Even better, starting a long weekend with a field trip to Legoland. Alyssa's class is winding down the school year (only two more weeks) and they were lucky enough to visit the Sea Life Aquarium and Legoland. I drove a few other moms and kids and we decided to stay the entire day. We opened and closed the park. The kids had such a great time and the moms had an even better time watching the kids run around like crazy.

Sean, Jakob and Alyssa (all friends from kinder)

Sealife Aquarium

Jakob, Sean and Alyssa enjoying riding without their parents

Alyssa and her school bestie, Makenna

We brought the kids bathing suits so they could enjoy the water play area

Face painting

End of the day at Legoland

Saturday we spent the day in LA to celebrate Corey's graduation.

Alyssa and Granny at Grauman's Chinese Theatre

Someone needs a nap!

Alyssa is finally overcoming her fear of dogs.

What an amazing view from the Edwards' backyard

Sunday we celebrated Memorial Day with a bbq and swimming. Spending the day outside by the pool sure felt like a lazy summertime day. Jake is getting braver in the pool these days...or should I say the jacuzzi. That kid has very little interest in the pool. He seems to think swimming means turning on the jacuzzi and just moving about in his little domain. He's really into Toy Story right now and decided he was buzz light year. He would stand up and proclaim. "to infini and beon." For those of you who don't speak Jakey, that translates to infinity and beyond. The kids know bbq for the Serrano's and Getty's means late night fun! The kids let the parents enjoy the jacuzzi in the evening while they played in the sandbox, watched movies, ate snacks and ruled the house. What a fun Memorial Day weekend!

Jake, Isa, Alyssa and Mady

Saturday, May 22, 2010

We survived!

Alyssa had her Spring Knights concert last night. Her class sang and danced the Twist. Super cute! No pictures during the performance because once again no flash photography during the performance. Ah come on! I did buy the DVD so Sebastian can see the performance in it's entirety. Jake actually sat through the ENTIRE performance. Thank you to the two little girls sitting next to us and the one in front of us for keeping Jake's attention.

Alyssa in her classroom before she put on her skirt and hair ribbon.

One of the little girls sitting by us during the performance

Today was the second to last soccer game. Alyssa played more great D! The Orange Champions held the other team to a scoreless game. Way to go!

Some would say Jake is very mischievous. I like to say he's interested, curious or even intrigued. Ha ha! So I'm sitting at the computer and all I hear are giggles at my feet. Look what I found...

Yes, he unrolled an entire dispenser of tape

A little later I hear him crying. What's stuck around his ankle??? ANOTHER dispenser of tape he unraveled around his ankle that he can't get off! Tape is obviously not safe in our house.

Dad is on a flight home as we speak. Thank goodness! He has two very anxious (and might I say whiny) little kids at home waiting for his arrival.....and presents of course! We survived!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mom and her kiddos!

I'm a single mom this week while Sebastian finishes the last leg of the Pearl Jam tour in New York City. Not even kidding! To top it off, he is also enjoying Derek Jeter and the New York Yankees! Can you feel the jealousy? Lucky for me our office is closed several days this week so I get to spend lots of time with my kiddos.

On Wednesday Jake and I spent the morning at the Zoo. Jake and I have never taken a trip to the Zoo, just the two of us. It was so much fun! He truly enjoyed our one on one time. As did I! He called the shots the entire visit. It even included a ride on the skyfari. We got the heck out of there just in time for a meltdown and a nap in the car. Loved our time and hope we get to do it again real soon.

Alyssa always has a tough time while her daddy is away so I try to distract her. Today the kids used their sidewalk chalk on the driveway and created their works of art. As I was taking pictures I thought for sure I was about to capture a great picture of Jake lovin' his sister. He had just gone up to her and given her an unsolicited hug and said, "I wuv you sissy." He then leans in for what I thought was going to be a kiss on the head, but instead....wait for it......he leaned down and spit on her head. GROSS! Seriously! Where do boys learn this stuff!??!?! Needless to say that was the end of the special brother-sister time because he had to pay the price and sit in the corner.

Jake learned to ride his scooter. Go Jakey!

Jakey got a haircut today. Doesn't he look adorable?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A few pictures

I have absolutely no good reason why I haven't posted a blog the last few weeks. Actually, the last few weeks have been rather calm for us. I haven't spent the entire weekend running all around town. I suppose my only valid excuse is pure laziness (very few pictures to boot). I hope to be better in the upcoming weeks.

Just a few pictures from the last few weeks. Enjoy!

Alyssa has had a few soccer games and we only have pictures from this past game. And apparently the only picture of her is from warm ups. Ha ha!

Sebastian took the kids to Santee lakes a few weeks ago and Alyssa enjoyed the water fun. You know I wasn't there because I would not have allowed her to get wet in her clothes (without a towel and a change of clothes) :)

Jake's deal of saying, "I have idea" with his finger in the air.

Jake is loving his "fire" vans. These are his favorite shoes right now (he even picked them out at the store). While hanging out at home yesterday he refused to put shorts on, but had to have his fires on.

Loving his "pout" these days... lower lip and all.

Happy Birthday to Sebastian! He celebrated his 37th birthday (3 different birthday dinners) and not one single picture. Sorry!