Sunday, April 18, 2010

Taylor Swift and the End of Spring Break

Today is the last day of spring break...sigh! I've been on vacation the past week and have thoroughly enjoyed all the family time. Tomorrow it's back to the "rat race" as they say. I think Alyssa is ready to go back to school tomorrow. How do I know? Tonight at bed time she started crying telling me she just wants everything to go back to normal. She wants to get up and go to school, wear her uniform, get picked up by Nana, do her homework and do her after school activities and have Mom go back to work. Wow, I do I have a creature of habit or what? Hmmm... I wonder who she gets that from. Big laugh! Why did she inherit my quirky nature. Guess that what makes each kid unique.

We wrapped up spring break with a trip to LA for Alyssa's first concert.... Taylor Swift. She was so excited for her first concert and to see Taylor Swift. When it comes to music and rocking out, she truly is her father's daughter. We headed to LA in the morning so we could make a quick stop at the American Girl Doll store. Alyssa's doll needed a new outfit after all. How cute that while we were there Sebastian picked out a father-daughter activity book for the two of them to enjoy together. Ah! He loves her so much! We also took Alyssa to Hollywood to see the Hollywood sign. This was something she really wanted to do. And turns out her added bonus was that you could actually see the sign from our hotel room too! Getting ready for the concert and walking to the Staples Center was so much fun. Just listening to the excitement in her voice and her inability to stop talking was great. She was asking Sebastian on the way what it was going to be like, do people sit or stand, will it would be loud, and then he tells her, "you know the excitement you feel in your stomach, it never goes away, not even at my age. That is why I travel the country to see Pearl Jam." She leans in and tells him, "I get it now Dad." Ah, what a special moment to witness! After finally getting there and standing in line for 3 t-shirts, yes 3, and a poster we finally made our way inside. Much to Alyssa's disappointment there were opening bands. She could not comprehend why on earth there would be opening bands. So cute! Finally Taylor was on and Alyssa could hardly believe herself. Rocking out, swinging her hair in the air, clapping and screaming. Loved every second of watching her in the concert. Well worth every penny. I hope she always remembers her first concert and how she felt. I know Sebastian and I will!

Before the concert

During the concert

After the concert

Saturday night we spent the evening at the Padres game with family, friends and Alyssa's besties. It was a great evening sitting at the Park in the Park. Kids were able to run around, eat dinner on their blankets and just hang out. Rather than have a birthday party this year, Alyssa chose to attend the game with her friends. What a great decision. Can't beat an opportunity to sit outside in the evening and relax. We'll definitely have to do that more often this baseball season. Thanks to everyone who came and made a great evening for Alyssa!

Jakey and "Eva" (Ava)...Karma can be a tough lesson

All better....he loves her so much

Aunties TT and Paige, Alyssa and Jake



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