Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Ol' Family Fun

Everyone was back to their "normal" routine this week, but "normal" was quite welcome in our home after our vacation. Soccer practice, cooking, soccer game, birthday party....check!

We welcomed Rainbow the fish into our home this week. Papa Walt and Granny bought Alyssa a small tank with a fish for her birthday. This fish has brought the kids a lot of joy. They love feeding him and watching him swim about the tank. Hope he enjoys a long life in our home.

Rainbow the fish

Soccer this week was played in a gym. Did I also mention at 8:00 am clear across town? Orange Champions played a really exciting game. The ball traveled a lot faster indoors and maneuvering the team benches was also another interesting obstacle. Alyssa played three consecutive quarters of amazing defense. I think she's found her forte in soccer. Big D! Jake loved that the ball was flying off bodies and coming right up to the bleachers where we were sitting. Such an exciting game that these are the only pictures from this week. Fun fun fun!

Water break

Getting ready to start the game

After an incredibly busy few days last weekend we were happy to realize we didn't have much going on. We planned to have a family dinner in with the Getty's. They bought Alyssa Wii dance for her birthday so we definitely had to try it out. Nothing better than a good home cooked meal (obviously not at our house), wine, good friends and a little dance off. Did someone say "competition", I'm in! I think it's safe to say that the parents just may have had more fun. I'm not afraid to dance to a little NKOTB, MC Hammer and Spice Girls, apparently Sebastian is. As you can see in all the pictures, he's the photographer, not the dancer. What a fun evening! A must do again!

I think Jake looks hilarious in his favorite "fire" shoes and his bike helmet

The bike riders before dinner

The girls warming up before the big dance off

Okay, maybe the kids would rather watch tv while the parents danced

Who looks like they are having more fun? The girls or parents?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Taylor Swift and the End of Spring Break

Today is the last day of spring break...sigh! I've been on vacation the past week and have thoroughly enjoyed all the family time. Tomorrow it's back to the "rat race" as they say. I think Alyssa is ready to go back to school tomorrow. How do I know? Tonight at bed time she started crying telling me she just wants everything to go back to normal. She wants to get up and go to school, wear her uniform, get picked up by Nana, do her homework and do her after school activities and have Mom go back to work. Wow, I do I have a creature of habit or what? Hmmm... I wonder who she gets that from. Big laugh! Why did she inherit my quirky nature. Guess that what makes each kid unique.

We wrapped up spring break with a trip to LA for Alyssa's first concert.... Taylor Swift. She was so excited for her first concert and to see Taylor Swift. When it comes to music and rocking out, she truly is her father's daughter. We headed to LA in the morning so we could make a quick stop at the American Girl Doll store. Alyssa's doll needed a new outfit after all. How cute that while we were there Sebastian picked out a father-daughter activity book for the two of them to enjoy together. Ah! He loves her so much! We also took Alyssa to Hollywood to see the Hollywood sign. This was something she really wanted to do. And turns out her added bonus was that you could actually see the sign from our hotel room too! Getting ready for the concert and walking to the Staples Center was so much fun. Just listening to the excitement in her voice and her inability to stop talking was great. She was asking Sebastian on the way what it was going to be like, do people sit or stand, will it would be loud, and then he tells her, "you know the excitement you feel in your stomach, it never goes away, not even at my age. That is why I travel the country to see Pearl Jam." She leans in and tells him, "I get it now Dad." Ah, what a special moment to witness! After finally getting there and standing in line for 3 t-shirts, yes 3, and a poster we finally made our way inside. Much to Alyssa's disappointment there were opening bands. She could not comprehend why on earth there would be opening bands. So cute! Finally Taylor was on and Alyssa could hardly believe herself. Rocking out, swinging her hair in the air, clapping and screaming. Loved every second of watching her in the concert. Well worth every penny. I hope she always remembers her first concert and how she felt. I know Sebastian and I will!

Before the concert

During the concert

After the concert

Saturday night we spent the evening at the Padres game with family, friends and Alyssa's besties. It was a great evening sitting at the Park in the Park. Kids were able to run around, eat dinner on their blankets and just hang out. Rather than have a birthday party this year, Alyssa chose to attend the game with her friends. What a great decision. Can't beat an opportunity to sit outside in the evening and relax. We'll definitely have to do that more often this baseball season. Thanks to everyone who came and made a great evening for Alyssa!

Jakey and "Eva" (Ava)...Karma can be a tough lesson

All better....he loves her so much

Aunties TT and Paige, Alyssa and Jake



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Serrano Family Vacation

The Serrano family just returned from a wonderful family vacation. We drove to Monterey Bay and made several stops along the way. The kids did AMAZING in the car and no vomit, even on the 70 miles of windy road on the 1. That's huge for us! Since we spent so much time in the car we got to enjoy our kids conversations. Jake cracked himself up for miles by first yelling at Alyssa what he thought was an insult "you a boy". When she finally taught him that she was a girl and he was a boy the yelling turned to "Awissa you a girl" followed by Alyssa yelling back "Jake's a boy". You'd be surprised how long that can keep two kids occupied. Jake also learned to say with his finger pointed in the air, "I have idea." When asked what his idea was, every single time he was silent. Guess he's not that interested in sharing what his idea is. Ha ha! One last funny one....out of the blue Jake yelled to Alyssa, "cry". What the heck? He seriously wanted her to cry on his command. He did this throughout the trip. His poor girlfriend is in for a world of trouble. CRY! He is quite the quirky little guy, hilarious, but quirky. We just had such a wonderful time!

Sebastian is famous...... in San Simeon

Dining Room in Hearst Castle

Jakey really enjoyed the tour....asleep...thank goodness!

The side entrance of Hearst Castle

In front of the outside pool at Hearst Castle

Alyssa at the beach across the street from our hotel

Pebble Beach

The world's most expensive "two sqaure" ball from Pebble
Beach - US Open...yes we got suckered into purchasing the ball.

Jelly fish at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Standing in the wave tunnel

Touch pools at Monterey Bay Aquarium

No touching for Jake

View from our drive on the 1

My "must" stop was in Solvang for Jake's picture in the shoe (My picture was taken in the shoe when I was little and Alyssa took her picture in the shoe when she was 2 1/2) OF COURSE in his picture, he's SCREAMING!

During our trip Alyssa turned 7! Can you even believe my baby girl is 7 years old!?!?!?! She LOVED her big day. She woke up and sat straight up in the bed and said, "I'm 7". Apparently being 6 is for babies. She even stood up to see if she was taller. So cute! After dinner we went to the mall where she was able to pick out a few gifts. Much to her father's dismay, she choose lip glosses and nail polish. Yikes! Her dad is really not ready for this. Happy Birthday, Alyssa!

She choose to run in the water before we left the hotel on her birthday

Birthday Girl!

I'm a bad mom, no pictures from her birthday dinner. Boo! But we all had a great time, even Jakey!

Really sad spring break is over, but what a great time we had. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break has begun!

Alyssa's first day of spring break was Friday. Funny how it's her spring break, but is a much needed "rest" for all of us. Her first day of spring break started with the kids first swim on the season. Every single day Jake looks out the back door at the pool and asks if he can swim or go in the pool. The answer was finally YES! The kids were so happy and really enjoyed themselves.

Easter was fun this year, even with the earthquake. This was Jake's first year truly understanding what an Easter egg hunt is all about. Although, as soon as he found 2 eggs, one for each hand, he was finished. He decided it was more fun to throw things in the pool. Thanks to his big sissy for "finding" a few eggs for him.

One for each had, I'm finished!

Sissy can hunt for eggs while I throw things in the pool