Monday, February 8, 2010

What goes around comes around for Jakey...

As EVERYONE knows my son is a "former" pusher (or so I'd like to think). On a very regular basis he will say out of the blue, "I push Mady." To what we respond, "no, you don't push Mady." And now he will say giggling, "I say hi Mady." (Just goes to show how much we discuss pushing in our house) Poor Mady was the recipient of way too many pushes from Jakey. He has always been the pusher, not the pushee. So Saturday night we saw Ava, or Eva as he likes to call her, and as we were standing around she pushed him. The utter look of shock and disbelief on his face was beyond priceless. I don't think he could actually believe that someone pushed him. He immediately looked at me and said, "Ava pushed me." (he's also a tattletale by the way) Hmmm...didn't like it very much son, now did you? I'm hoping that being pushed by a one year old little girl taught him a very valuable lesson about NOT pushing....a mother can dream.

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