Sunday, January 24, 2010

Last Week's Post...oops

Typical week at the Serrano household. Although, I wasn't great about taking pictures this week. Oops!

Lissy made cinnamon rolls at cooking class this week and was kind enough to tell me that she could possibly teach me how to make them one day. How sweet! Jake wasn't totally into his "Little Whiners" class as Alyssa calls it. His only interest this week was to shoot it in the big hoop. Really!?! Focus on the small hoop for now buddy.

I watched the Galvan girls on Saturday night and Jakey couldn't have been any happier to have Ava over. I honestly think this is or will be his first crush. He's so sweet to her. I know it's hard to believe that Jake can be sweet, but really he is. We're going to have to watch these two as they get older.

Jakey proudly posing with Ava

Alyssa,Maya, Jake and Ava (face still painted from bday party earlier in the day)

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