Sunday, January 24, 2010

Last Week's Post...oops

Typical week at the Serrano household. Although, I wasn't great about taking pictures this week. Oops!

Lissy made cinnamon rolls at cooking class this week and was kind enough to tell me that she could possibly teach me how to make them one day. How sweet! Jake wasn't totally into his "Little Whiners" class as Alyssa calls it. His only interest this week was to shoot it in the big hoop. Really!?! Focus on the small hoop for now buddy.

I watched the Galvan girls on Saturday night and Jakey couldn't have been any happier to have Ava over. I honestly think this is or will be his first crush. He's so sweet to her. I know it's hard to believe that Jake can be sweet, but really he is. We're going to have to watch these two as they get older.

Jakey proudly posing with Ava

Alyssa,Maya, Jake and Ava (face still painted from bday party earlier in the day)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Another full weekend....

Before I get started, I've received comments that the pictures are too small. Until I become more "blog savvy", you can click on each picture to make it larger. Sorry!

What a difference a week and a NAP make. Jake had his second Little Dunkers class on Friday. He did amazingly well compared to last week. He stretched, ran, stood in line and ran the drills. He was super excited to be with the other kids and to shoot the ball. He even walked up to the other kids and said hi and waved. Every time he walked up to another kid I cringed thinking that was going to be the time he pushed. He only pushed once and the other little boy (who was much bigger and older by the way) was very understanding. Whew! Getting better every week!

Jake running drills

Class race across the court

Alyssa started her cooking class this past week. She loved it and can't wait to go back. Hopefully she can teach her momma a few things. :)

We went to the desert for the first time this desert season. I have a feeling this won't be our only trip this season. I think Sebastian is determined to make me a camper. Yikes, what am I in for?
I have to agree with Sebastian that the desert is "forced family time." Family memories in the making! Who else wants to join us?

Brent, Alyssa and Jake

Beautiful desert sunset

Alyssa enjoyed spending time with Brooke on Sunday. She loves hanging out with her. These two have been friends since birth and I'm still waiting for their first argument to happen. Gotta love it!

Alyssa and Brooke

Brett, Jake and their new dog Hank (not a pillow like Jake seems to think)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Little Dunkers

On Friday Jake started his very first sports class, Little Dunkers. Swim is the only class he's ever taken so we knew this would be interesting. He was very excited to play basketball and promised not to push the other kids. That's a start. He was coming off ONLY a half hour nap....not good. He enjoyed running and shooting, but did NOT enjoy waiting in line for his turn. He would have been the happiest kid ever if they would have let him run and shoot the entire class. This little boy is about to learn the meaning of a structured class. He must have enjoyed himself because all weekend he's been saying I want to play basketball. Overall, basketball is a hit with Jake.

He loved the drills

Jake's turn is over.....gotta work on that

He's not afraid to cheer for himself

Finally figured out the way to make him stand in line was to tell him to keep his hand on the cone

Alyssa taking on a new role...supporter and videographer

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy New Year! Looking forward to spending another decade with my wonderful hubby, family and good friends.

I'm glad the holidays have come to an end. I'm ready for everyone to get back to their regular routine. Alyssa spent the past week at Zoo Camp with Maya and just hanging out with her Auntie Kelley, Uncle Mike and John. Monday, back to school she goes.

This past week I took the kids to Build-a-Bear for Jake's first trip. I can't believe I forgot my camera. Jake and Alyssa stroll right in and check out the animals. Within the first 2 minutes of being in the store Jake picked out his camouflage bear. As Alyssa contemplated her selection, Jake was ready to go. Jake is a no mess no frills kind of kid, if you don't already know. They both got in line to have their animals stuffed. The sales girl asked them to pick out their hearts....check......rub your heart on your head....Alyssa...check....Jake.... not on your life.....rub your heart on your are crazy! The look on his face was so classic Jake. Stuff my darn bear and give him back to me so I can get out of here lady. You gotta love that kid! Hopefully he decides to love his own camo bear so he will leave his sissy's most beloved huggy bear alone. Fingers crossed!

We spent New Year's Eve at home with good friends eating dinner and hanging out. Alyssa loves New Year's Eve because she gets to stay up as late as she can. All the kids made it to midnight, even Jakey. Who knew even I'd make it to 3:00 am! The kids kept themselves busy by decorating gingerbread man cakes, painting picture frames and putting on makeup. Check out Alyssa's "done up" look below. It was another fun and mellow New Year's Eve. Happy New Year to all!

All "done up" holding her decorated cake. Check out those nails. Yikes!

The kids did a sibling switch. (Jake, Isa, Mady and Alyssa)

Baby Glenn will take part in the fun next year.


Happy New Year!