Saturday, November 14, 2009

Award time and almost the end to soccer

Alyssa's school held their first quarter awards ceremony. She was really nervous and was really hoping to win an award. She surprised herself and received 3! She won the Principal's Award, Academic Excellence Award and the Christian Leadership Award. We are so proud of her!

Proudly holding an award

Alyssa with her teacher, Mrs. Velazquez

Sean, Jakob and Alyssa (friends from kinder)

Saturday was the second to the last soccer game. I think we are going to make it! Jake is usually a great sport about going to Alyssa's practices and games, but this Saturday he just wanted to stay home. He even brought his blanket to the game. Poor little guy! Lava Girls beat the Blue Dolphins...let's keep our fingers crossed for one final win next week.

These peeps are the Gettys. Jokingly...aka..our soccer spouses. This is our third soccer season together and I don't think we would have survived without them!

Remember when play dates actually meant playing?

Our dear friends Juan and Angelica are expecting a baby girl in January. We can't wait to meet baby Abigail.
Juan and Angelica at their shower

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