Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

A beautiful San Diego Thanksgiving day. Sorry to those of you on the East Coast. :)
The weather was warm and the skies were clear. What else would kids do on such a beautiful day, but...swim. Our day was filled with good food, friends and family. We hosted this year, but that doesn't mean that I cooked. You're welcome! Ha ha! Thank you to the chefs for such a wonderful meal. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

The chefs and me.. (Secorra, my mom, Janet and me in my apron)

The kids table (Isa, Alyssa, Mady and Jake)

Thanksgiving evening in the jacuzzi

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's over!!!!!

Soccer season is finally over. (Oh dear, I wonder what I will write about now...) The Lava Girls played their last game on Saturday against the Cheetah Girls and WON! Alyssa was very nervous on game day because she really wanted to end the season with a win. We are sad the season is over because Alyssa loves the game so much, but a bit relieved to have our weekends back for a bit.
My next little soccer star

On Sunday we had Alyssa's team party at Pump it Up. The girls had a great time and were sad to say goodbye to each other. I'm sure we'll see everyone again soon.

Even Jake got to play

Jake and I going down the slide together, I thought we were having fun

Jakey found himself someone to play with and I'm not talking about Mady

Alyssa receiving her trophy

Even Jake got a medal for being a good Lava Girls supporter (thanks to Secorra for thinking of the "littles")

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Award time and almost the end to soccer

Alyssa's school held their first quarter awards ceremony. She was really nervous and was really hoping to win an award. She surprised herself and received 3! She won the Principal's Award, Academic Excellence Award and the Christian Leadership Award. We are so proud of her!

Proudly holding an award

Alyssa with her teacher, Mrs. Velazquez

Sean, Jakob and Alyssa (friends from kinder)

Saturday was the second to the last soccer game. I think we are going to make it! Jake is usually a great sport about going to Alyssa's practices and games, but this Saturday he just wanted to stay home. He even brought his blanket to the game. Poor little guy! Lava Girls beat the Blue Dolphins...let's keep our fingers crossed for one final win next week.

These peeps are the Gettys. Jokingly...aka..our soccer spouses. This is our third soccer season together and I don't think we would have survived without them!

Remember when play dates actually meant playing?

Our dear friends Juan and Angelica are expecting a baby girl in January. We can't wait to meet baby Abigail.
Juan and Angelica at their shower

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thomas the tank engine.....and soccer.....

Okay, is this season almost over? Only 2 more games before we can put the season to bed. Whew! Alyssa played a very aggressive team this week, but she didn't back down for one second the entire game. Yes that means she got kicked in the chin and stomach amongst other body parts, but scored the most beautiful goal of her soccer career. Got through the entire team and took the ball the entire field and scored. It was one we wish we had on video. Just one we'll have to commit to memory. I do take pictures just about every game and if you can believe the picture below is the only one I got of her beautiful dribble down the field. I was way too involved in my cheering to remember to snap the pictures. Maybe next time.

Yep, only got her celebrating AFTER the goal

Jakey was cheering his sissy on yelling, "go pink, go sissy, kick"

Lissy also got in a birthday party before the game with her old friends from kinder. I wish I had a picture to show you of her with 3 of her friends on a ride in ONE car. The four kids squished together enjoying every minute of their adventure on a ride that goes around and around really fast and then backwards. One of the moms was nice enough to come tell us you should see how cute the kids are on the ride. Four moms response, "What ride!!!" We didn't even know they had gotten on a ride. The joy on their faces was priceless. A few of us were convinced someone was going to throw up. Or maybe I was confused with the fact that I thought I was going to throw up watching them scream going around around. They had so much fun they got right back in line and did it again! Oh to be young!

On Sunday we made the drive to Perris to see Thomas the Tank Engine. He's HUGE in our house right now. Jake was so excited in the morning (at least as excited as Jakey can be). He could hardly believe Thomas was right in front of his eyes. As we were getting ready to board Thomas I asked Jake, "ready to ride on Thomas?" Jake's response, "no (headshake)......go home." Seriously?!?! What it's gonna take kid! Anyway, he eventually was down with the train ride and thoroughly enjoyed himself. Lissy was even a good sport about spending time doing "baby things".

You want me to ride what?!?!
I's going to fun. Jakey...not so certain

Fun train ride!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween

This past weekend was an absolute blur. It's so hard to keep up with Alyssa's busy schedule these days. We started Halloween day with a soccer game, moved on to a birthday party, proceeded to the Fall Festival at her school and then rushed home to get ready to trick or treat. Busy busy busy!

The fall festival had lots of activities for the kids. Both kids enjoyed the pony rides. It wouldn't be a ride for Jake if he didn't cry a little bit. Funny boy!

Auntie TT came down for the festivities and Cousin Brent surprised the kids after a long day of travel to join in on the fun. What a great surprise!

Super cute baseball player and cheerleader!

Auntie TT, Cousin Brent, Jake (baseball player) and Alyssa (cheerleader)