Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Random pictures from my phone.

Mom, Dad and Lis like to text. It's just tricky to get her to text when she should, like right after school. 

Dinner out with our friends isn't always easy to plan, but we somehow managed to do it twice in just a few months. We are all October birthdays so of course we need to celebrate!

Crazy what a difference a year makes

Sibling sleepovers are the best! The little brothers are easy, the sisters are high maintenance. 

Disneyland during fall break... moms and kiddos, super fun trip. Jakey tried many new rides. You know it's been a great day when Jake is asleep in the hotel by 8.
Alyssa and Maya got some great ride selfies. First ride of the day.

He's finally big enough to drive his own bumper car. He was super happy!

Even got Jake to ride Splash Mountain.  Jake and I screaming, Lis calm as can be. 

Kids have taken to riding the bus every single day to and from school.  They love it! I always wanted to be a bus rider when I was in elementary school, but I was a walker. Very cool they get to do it and it drops off at the top of our street.

Happy Birthday, Jakey!

This is super late...better late than never I suppose

My sweet baby boy celebrated his golden birthday. 7 on the 7th (of September).  He is the coolest little dude I know. He's grown and matured so much since he started school. He continues to make us laugh daily. He is the most literal, black and white, yes or no, kid I know.  He says "incept for" instead of except, his sister is usually the first person he asks about when he wakes up in the morning, total mommas boy, would rather be home than anywhere else, eats cereal in a bowl with a spoon without milk, says girls talk too much, acts like he's too cool for me to kiss or hold his hand in public, but the minute we get home he likes to snuggle and be close to his momma and recently told a boy from their school that Lis was his step-sister and she was in love with him. Hilarious brother antics. I'm sure more to come as he gets older.

Happy birthday to the best buddy ever! Love you!!!

Spent the day at Boomers while his dad and sister went to her soccer game. Met at the house for cake and dinner at one of his favorite places, Rubio's!