Thursday, August 21, 2014

It's hard work being a supportive soccer brother.  Jake needed a break during the game this last tournament; hat covering his face while laying on the sideline.
Alyssa played in another tournament this past weekend with Albion.  Have you heard the word? Alyssa has an agent?!?! LOL!  His name is Garrard and he is responsible for the trade that just took place sending Alyssa to Albion.  She is extremely proud, as are her parents, for being recruited to her new soccer home. To celebrate they won the tournament.  haha!!  I love seeing happy soccer Alyssa! Nothing like the big huge grin when she walks off the field.

Celebrating their win!

Love getting texts from my BFF of TBT pictures. On the left, Alyssa and Maya a few years ago at a practice for their old club.  Who knew that a few years later they would be playing at the same club again.  Proud of these girls for working so hard!

Monday, August 11, 2014

random post

I think I may have forgotten how to take pictures.  I can't remember the last time I even used our camera.  That means no soccer pictures, no pictures from what we've been up to, and makes updating the blog BORING!  Perhaps I will try to remember this while we are out and about enjoying activities and friends. Note to self....stop sucking at this...

These are the random pictures I find on my phone after a car ride with Jake

Alyssa's last picture before braces
Brace Face! First picture with braces.  Still sitting in the chair at the orthodontist office.

Alyssa was asked to guest play for Albion this past weekend.  Her club isn't playing in a  tournament for three weeks so she was excited to have the opportunity to play.  This was the first time she has done this so it was new to all of us. Love that the first thing the coach says to her after showing up to the first game was why aren't you on my team yet.  This is the same coach that asked her to play last year.

It was fun listening to the parents talk on the sidelines that recognized her.  One of their defenders is a player Lis has gone against for several years.  Her dad told me, "Finally these girls are on the same team.  Whenever we would play against her I would always tell her just stay on her, keep her covered or else she's going to score." She had a blast playing.  She was even offered a spot in the two different carpool groups that run from our neighborhood if she would be willing to play on their team. Very flattering for her. She scored and/or assisted in every single game and had an overall great tournament. So fun to watch her play her old position. She was right at home.

Maya and her family came to watch several games. So sweet!  Maya also plays for Albion so she showed her support in her team gear.
And the Woodworths too!

Fun tournament. The girls were amazing as was the coach. They won all four games and placed first. She had the best time.  I even had to bring back, Go, Baby!!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Can't believe another summer has come and gone.  It feels like break just started.
Jake and mom day at the fair. Fun spending time just the two of us

Alyssa spent the day at the fair with her friend and we were sent this text from the mom saying Alyssa kicked it in the orange square (can you see it next to the goalie) on her first try and won a jersey.  She has quite the accurate shot.

This has been the summer of losing teeth for Jakey.  Lost a few, another two because loose. One hung on by a string and before we knew it, his mouth was full of missing teeth. So darn cute!

After finally losing the top tooth, the other hung on by thread for days!

Finally lost all four. He looks so different. My baby is getting older.

Spent a few days in Vegas this summer. With soccer and other plans it was tough to get away. Alyssa's team was supposed to be on a break for a few weeks. That was shortened by a Thursday call asking if we could play in the CSC tournament on Saturday.  Of course she wanted to play.  Girls did okay considering they hadn't practiced and were short four players, two being defenders. Just not the same team when you have that many missing kids. A few more tournaments this summer before Fall season begins.

Their happy place...two peas in a pod
Jake isn't light. Lis carries him like it's no big deal. She's one strong girl.
Jake thought it was a little too high
Ceci's last dinner before she headed back to El Salvador.  Love that these are all friends I made in 7th grade. Hard to believe we all look the exact same!

Love getting pictures from Alyssa during the day. She sent this to me waiting outside for her carpool to soccer camp. She pulled two-a-days and loved every minute of it. No better way to spend the day according to her.
First day of school. The first and only year these two will be at school together. They were so happy.  Only one drop off and one pick up. Woo hoo!!! And Lis was ecstatic to not have to wear a uniform. And she gets early day every single week. What a bonus. At CCA she only had a handful of early days the entire year. And she starts school one entire hour later than CCA. And and and ...... oh happy day!
Greeted by the Walters' kids in the morning. Irelin was Alyssa's personal tour guide.
His new desk. Didn't go inside the class because that would just be embarrassing. Duh!

Jakey was so happy to see his friends. Cute little dudes!