Monday, June 23, 2014

Another championship!

Love when I get to spend time with my high school girlfriends.  Especially when one comes home from El Salvador for her 40th!  An entire day at the spa and bay with these girls celebrating was so fun and relaxing.  Even ventured out of my box and tried paddle boarding. Pictures of me in my bathing suit will NOT be posted on the web.

Such a fun day...moms and no kids = relaxing

Happy 40th to one of the very first people I met in 7th grade.

Alyssa got out of the car and Jakey swiped her pregame headphones for his own enjoyment

These girls pulled off another championship at the Pegasus Cup.  Three in a row!!!  They were missing their keeper all weekend which meant one of the better defenders was put back in goal and a mid had to go back to defense.  It also meant Lis played center mid which she has never played before.  She pulled it off like a champ! They lost in group play to Oceanside Breakers 1-0 and then faced them again in the finals and won 2-1.  They never gave up! So proud of their determination to win.  Now we are on a soccer break for at least one entire week. That means one entire weekend without soccer plans. One entire weekend to spend how we so choose.  Woo hoo!!!  On the drive home from the tournament Alyssa asked, "what am I going to do without soccer all week?"  Love that she loves what she does.

Flight 1 Pegasus Cup Champions!

A little team celebration/love
Getting her medal - Wearing her new number 21.  Several Alex Morgan fans on her team and when one of those fans is a captain and has more seniority, you do what Alex did when that happened to her and wear 21!
Happy, proud girl!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Jake's last day of basketball.  I'm so happy he found a new sport he enjoys playing.
Jake has completed kindergarten. He did amazing!!! He never received anything other than green the entire year!!! Quite the accomplishment for this little guy! Can't believe he's a big first grader.
End of Year Kinder performance.

Alexa and Jake at the kinder performance. Such a nice girl that isn't in Jake's face constantly and because she isn't all up in his business, he pays her some attention. She gets him.

Jake and mom had a mother/son zoo day.  After 30 minutes he started asking about his sister and decided to call it a day to go home and be with her. So sweet when they show their love for each other than fighting non-stop

Brother sister love at lunch

Alyssa's last day in a private school uniform.
Alyssa has been asking to go to public school for the past year or so and we decided as a family to make the switch in 6th grade. She will be attending Marshall with Jake. The only year they will attend the same school.  Bittersweet feelings as she prepares for this new chapter in her life. CCA was a great experience and grateful for all she has learned. She has grown so much and is ready for this next step.  Now just need to prepare Mom.
Alyssa's school bestie Makenna on their first day of second grade and Lis' last day at CCA.  Boy have they grown.  She has been a great friend to Alyssa. Grateful for great kids like her. She's going to miss her, but thank goodness for facetime.

Pregame routine continues... headphones on listening to her pregame musical selections staring out the window. It works for her.

Jake enjoyed hanging out in this tree the entire championship game. Impressed a tree was capable of babysitting 4 kids for an entire game.
Liverpool played in the Goya Cup a few weeks ago. They played up a year and won it.  Not a single goal given up all tournament. Not great competition for these girls despite playing up a year. Lots of subbing took place. Subs were happy to get so much play time. Very relaxing weekend of soccer and the girls had fun. That's what is most important.

Between tournaments we had an unexpected weekend off. We were scheduled to play in our club tournament, but another team entered the tournament on the condition they wouldn't have to play us. What's that all about?!?!?  Rather than playing several weak teams, Lis' team headed to the bay for a day of volleyball, water sports and fun. Such a great group of families!

Another tournament weekend. At least this one was close to home. Yipee!!!

Drive to the game. She even had a teammate in the car, didn't care, still kept with her routine, headphones on staring out the window getting ready for the game.
Sebe is a great soccer DAD. Wish I could say I put this all together. Unexpected sleepover with teammates Saturday night and Sebe had them all ready to go with their preferred morning snacks.  So cute!
Another tournament played exceptionally well by Liverpool. Rebels Cup Champions!  Won all four games only giving up one goal on a PK.  They faced the team that knocked them out of state cup and got.. REDEMPTION!  They were determined to WIN. Way to go Liverpool!

Very busy weekend that ended with Father's Day dinner at home with a few other wonderful dads and families.  Happy Father's Day to the best father around!