Monday, February 17, 2014

You'll Never Walk Alone

Alyssa's 2013 soccer season officially ended on Sunday at State Cup. Try outs start tomorrow for the new year. Don't you worry your pretty little heads, the coach has already offered her a spot on next years team. Amen, Hallelujah!  To officially end the year the coach sent out a very endearing email to all the parents and girls along with this.....

Did I mention that he is not only an amazing coach and athlete, but he sings and has a recording studio in his home?!?!? Listen to our little soccer stars in their singing debut!  Even got a shot out from Liverpool's Director of Coaching (DOC), Jason. Couldn't hold back the tears listening to this.  What a touching gift to us all. Now pass the kleenex!

On the road again...

Liverpool advanced to the round of 8 in the State Cup Tournament so we headed to San Bernardino once again this past weekend for the third and final weekend of the tournament.  I honestly can't say enough about this team.  They have the determination, focus and desire to win and be the best they can be at all times. They never lose sight of why they are on the field and that is to play as a team and win.  Something very special!

The girls played Saturday morning and won 1-0 in a well played game. This team plays the defensive game like no other. Saturday's game was the 10th straight game, with the exception of OT PK's, without giving up a goal. What an accomplishment in itself.  The win advanced the team to the round of 4, semifinals on Sunday. After strict orders from the coach, there was no swimming or goofing around on Saturday. Hang out with your teammates in the hotel, team dinner and bed. That's exactly what they did. They had a little excitement Saturday night when we all returned from team dinner to the smell of some serious marijuana smoking happening on the team floor.  Hopefully it helped the team sleep a little better. I kid, I kid.

Happy, happy girls after their win on Saturday!

I'm not sure we've ever seen Alyssa as nervous as she was for Sunday's game. The nerves started before bed on Saturday night and lasted into the morning. In the morning she did her usual pregame focus in the car, headphones on listening to music, looking out the car window and not saying a word. She did have to put a call into Bubba at 6:50 am for a little pregame talk. He gets her, she gets him. It's awesome.  

The team's striker was hit by the other teams goalie in the first 10 minutes of the game and was taken off the field.  Poor thing walked off the field with her arm hanging to her side.  She left the field and headed to the hospital.  She's one tough kid. Come to find she has a broken shoulder bone. A little shocking for the girls to see and shortly there after the other team scored their first goal. Liverpool battled back and scored after half-time. In the last two minutes of the game Liverpool committed a foul in the box. PK to the other team. Our amazing goalie actually saved it, but the center ref called goal. Game over! Even the tournament photographer said it didn't cross the line.  A really tough way to lose the game. Our girls outplayed their team, just didn't end in our favor. What I honestly think I will take away from this whole experience is what an amazing TEAM and group of families we experienced it with.  Not an easy task to play 3 weekends, 8 games and make it to the final four out of 86 teams.  These girls handled themselves with the utmost respect for other teams and themselves. They are true champions! Our team manager said it best, a state cup trophy can't replace the friendships and true teamwork these girls put in. At the end of the day this is what it is all about!

The procession prior to the games was so cool. All final 4 teams played at 8:00 am. At 8:00 am all teams on all fields lined up and walked out to the music playing in the background. Such a cool experience to witness. These girls will not forget this weekend for a long time.  Horrible video compliments of me.

After the game the girls went with their coaches. They asked that we give them a few minutes alone with them. The coach spoke to each girl one and one. As he finished they all returned to be with each other. The picture I took is of them sitting in a group as the next teams prepared for their game on the field. Rather than returning to their parents they retreated to each other. Finding comfort with each other. Needing time to reflect and support each other. That is truly the definition of a TEAM.

The girls eventually moved after the other team starting putting up their tent shade, but moved to a new location together. The parents stood off to the side and watched as they sat together and talked.  The coach said, "it's as if they think sitting together and talking will change the outcome." He couldn't have summed it up better.  As parents it was heartbreaking to watch the girls in disbelief and cry. You want to make it better, but you can't.  I'm glad they had each other to turn to. Their teammates they experienced this with.

The face of a little girl who played her heart out and truly left it all on the field for 3 weeks.  Sadness after the last game, but realized on the way home there really wasn't much more they could do. Top 4 is an amazing accomplishment!!! 82 other teams headed home before they did. We are all so very proud of you!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A weekend at home

Who knew that a weekend at home would cause so much excitement.  Sebastian and I were texting during the week how wonderful it was going to be spending time in the house, not having anywhere to be in the mornings, not packing a suitcase or eating every meal out. We decided our weekend at home was going to be about Jake.  That poor kid gets dragged around from game to game and rarely complains. In fact, he usually asks if Lissy has a game, where it is and if he's been there before. What a trooper! Since Alyssa had a sleepover on Friday night, Sebastian and I took Jakey to the movies to see the Lego Movie. Everything is awesome! We have been singing that song since we walked out of the movie. He picked the movie time because he wanted to see the movie in the dark, and enjoyed lots of yummy snacks. In standard Jake style, he got tired mid-way through the movie and started asking if it was time to go home, but overall I think he enjoyed his night.

Way too mellow of a weekend to have a lot of pictures to post. I can't get over how relaxing it was to be home, have friends stop by for a bit because we were actually home and just enjoy downtime.  

Birthday party fun on Saturday with Henry
Did I mention that this awesome boy had his 100th day of school last week? He has been green the ENTIRE school year! Quite an accomplishment when cards are turning every single day in that class. Not Jakey though. Keep up the good work!

When Alyssa and one of her friends got home after the sleepover they both said they got at least 6 hours of sleep. Sure you did!  After Lexie went home she barely made it a few hours before she was out cold on the couch.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Continuing on...

Just returned from another weekend away. This time we were in beautiful Lancaster. Okay, beautiful is definitely not a word to describe the middle of nowhere California, but Lancaster is one large location for the State Cup tournament and it's kind of right of passage in soccer.  Her team is on a great run. They started this past weekend in the round of 64 and won with another shut out.  You know Alyssa played hard when she is at the team dinner telling me she's tired and is the first one to fall asleep that night. Cute side story, while at team dinner, party of 70, we had 3 large banquet style tables set up. Girls were at the farthest table from the coach. The girls were chatting and hanging out and the coach randomly and rather quietly says, "can I get a woot woot" and without missing a beat the girls respond with a woot woot and continue on with their chatting. How on earth they heard him is beyond me, but love how in touch they all are. We were told when joining the team it was a close group, and now after being there several months I can see just how close they truly are. So back to soccer. 

The team advanced to the round of 32 and played a phenomenal game of soccer. Haven't seen Lis play that intense, possibly EVER! If you know how her emotions run when it comes to playing soccer you know that is saying A LOT!  She played a team she has faced many times so they recognized her as well as the parents.  Players on the field were saying "It's Alyssa from Guy's team"  So when she took one to the gut some of the other parents started cheering. Stay classy parents!!! Like that would take her out of the game? Brother please. One of the other parents we've come across since preschool was very kind to her from the sidelines and had some encouraging words for her as she was bent over trying not to puke on the field. The ref gave her extra time and her coach knowing what this game meant to her, let her work through it and play on. I've never seen her take one at such close range before.  Seen her do it to others, but never been on the receiving end. I will say she blocked that ball and helped the team. Woo hoo!!!  Such an amazing win!! After the game she walked over, sat in my chair, smiled and then started to cry.  She had to release all the emotions from the game somehow. Love her desire and intensity!
After winning that game with yet another shut out they advanced to the round of 16!!! The girls were on fire and ready for the next game which would determine if they advanced to the round of 8  in two weeks in San Bernardino. I didn't think it was possible, but that game was windier and colder than the morning game. Holy smokes!!! It was freezing. So cold Seb had to wear pants! The girls had the desire to win, you could see it in their play and all over their faces. They played a 0-0 game that went to double overtime then to pks. Girls won!!! Our keeper is amazing!! She blocked several shots and brought the win home. 
Girls advance to the round of 8 in two weeks. It's been an intense few weeks of soccer. State Cup started with approximately 86 teams and they are down to 8. A great accomplishment thus far.  Glad to say we have a weekend at home, something we haven't had in weeks. So happy to not be packing a suitcase.  Keep it up girls!  Let's go Liverpool! 

While away Sebastian and I celebrated our 12 year wedding anniversary. We celebrated with a romantic team lunch at Rubio's, followed by a very romantic drive thru meal in the car on the way home Sunday night. We sure know how to celebrate! Happy anniversary, Sebastian!


End of girls run and warm up immediately before the game. Coach is Hawaiian so they always add a little homage to his homeland. 

After the win that took took them to the round of 32
After their win that took them to the round of 16
We thought it was cold during the morning game.
It didn't get really cold until the second game. I was texting friends at home that wanted updates and it hurt my fingers to type. I had to send this picture to prove I was FREEZING!

But you REALLY know it's cold when Seb puts pants on. Check him out. Shorts in the snow in Flagstaff, but pants at the soccer game in Lancaster. BRRRR!!!
Look at the clouds rolling in during the second game. These beauties brought the rain.

After the big win.  Moving on to the round of 8!
This win entitles them to a team sleepover on Friday

Alyssa was so exhausted from her day of soccer she slept almost the entire drive home. That absolutely never happens. Sometimes I wish she would fall asleep. :)   
Alyssa LOVES bakeries and cupcakes. How is it possible that Lancaster of all places has two winners from Cupcake Wars. We stopped at this one on our way out of town.